25 Grandma Poems

Heartfelt poems celebrating the love, wisdom, and warmth of grandmothers.

Grandmas sprinkle kindness like sunshine and fill our hearts with love that lasts a lifetime.

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Updated March 17, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Grandmothers hold a special place in our hearts, offering love, wisdom, and warmth like no one else. They are our cheerleaders, our storytellers, and the ones who make every visit feel like home. Whether it's through their gentle words, comforting hugs, or the life lessons they share, a grandmother's love is a gift that lasts a lifetime.

This collection of Grandma poems is a way to celebrate and appreciate these incredible women. Whether you call her Grandma, Nana, or Grandmother, these verses reflect the gratitude, admiration, and love we feel for her. Some poems capture sweet memories, while others express deep appreciation for her guidance and care.

We hope these heartfelt poems remind you of the special bond you share with your grandmother and inspire you to let her know just how much she is loved!

  1. Grandma's House

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Grandma's house, full of warmth and joy,
    A place that's full of love and toys.
    Whenever I come around she smiles,
    As if to say she hasn't seen me in miles.

    She always has special treats for me,
    Each time it's something sweet and tasty.
    What happens at grandma's house stays there,
    I am so thankful for how much she cares!

  2. Celebrating Grandma

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Grandma, you're the best, it's true
    Celebrating birthdays with you
    Your wisdom and love shine through
    Bringing joy to all, old and new

    Your laughter lights up the room
    Making every day feel like a boon
    So here's to you, my dear grandma so kind
    Happy birthday, with love in my mind

  3. Find more Birthday Poems for Grandma to share with her.

  4. Nana's Love

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Cookies and treats, a childhood delight,
    Nana's house, a place where everything's right.
    With every visit, the joy takes its flight,
    In her warm embrace, all fears take their flight.

    In the kitchen, she works her magic so fine,
    Baking cookies and treats, in a straight, perfect line.
    Her culinary love, a secret divine,
    Filling the air with a scent so benign.

    Nana's a lady who's sweet and so kind,
    A heart full of love, a gentle, old mind.
    In her company, happiness we find,
    Her wisdom and care, to our hearts are entwined.

    It's the place where stories and laughter combine,
    Her home, a haven, where love does entwine.
    With cookies and treats, in memories, we bind,
    Nana's love, a treasure, a love so benign.

  5. I Appreciate You

    Poet: Kate Summers, © 2020

    Grandmother, this poem is to tell you I appreciate you
    I cannot express my thanks for all you do
    You make me laugh when I want to cry
    You always encourage me to try
    Your stories they inspire me
    To be the best that I could be
    Thank you, Grandma, I love you so
    In my life, you are my rainbow!

  6. Thank you, Grandma, I love you so In my life, you are my rainbow!
    Thank You Grandma Poems

  7. A Woman Of Energy And Grace

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    My Nana, a woman of energy and grace,
    A smile on her face, a warm embrace.
    As sweet as sugar, not a trace of lemon's sour,
    Her love's a blooming garden, an ever-blooming flower.

    I cherish her dearly, oh, how I adore,
    In my heart, her love's a treasure, I can't ignore.
    Her spirit's a fire, a radiant glow,
    Each day you can see her go, go, go!

    In her presence, life's a vibrant dance,
    She seizes each moment, takes every chance.
    With a zest for living, she's a joyful song,
    Her enthusiasm, a melody so strong.

    My Nana, a role model, shining and true,
    In all that she does, in all that she'll pursue.
    With boundless energy, she'll forever glow,
    A testament that love and life continue to grow.

  8. Grandma's House

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2018

    Grandma's house is filled with love,
    A cozy place from up above.
    It's a world where I'm always carefree,
    And Grandma makes sure there're special treats for me.

    My secrets are all safe at her side,
    Where I can relax and don't have to hide.
    Her face lights up when I arrive,
    Always happy to see me so full of pride.

    She listens to my stories and tales,
    We laugh together and share our own fails.
    What happens at Grandma's will forever stay,
    Thank you for being the bestest in all ways!

  9. A Grandmothers thoughts!
  10. The Joys of Being A Grandma

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2018

    The joys of being a Grandma are many
    Life has not brought a memory of any
    That can compare to being a Grandmother
    It is an experience like no other

    Holding that baby, seeing them grow
    Playing with them and running to and thro
    The excitement on their face when they see
    Me walk through the door fills me with glee

    A love that is so strong, and the absolute bond
    Never would I have imagined or even dawned
    That being a grandma could bring such joys
    I thank God above for these special girls and boys!

  11. forever loved, forever in our hearts. Grandma you will be missed
    Poems About Grandma For Funeral

    A poem in memory of Grandmother.
  12. Missing Grandma

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2019

    My Grandma, she was very special to me
    Whenever she saw me she smiled with glee
    No matter what she was doing
    When I walked through the doors she was cooing

    My memories of her are cherished
    My time with her more precious
    Her love and encouragement will stay with me
    She encouraged me to happy and just be

    When troubling times came my way
    She always had a listening ear no matter the time of day
    She celebrated my success too
    Like all Grandmothers do

    My life will not be the same anymore
    My Grandma, I did adore.
    But sad I will not be
    As she is in heaven with God and her I will see!

  13. Verses that describe how a Grandmother makes us feel.
  14. When I Feel Blue

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Grandma when I feel blue
    I can always just call you
    You make me feel better
    I will love you forever

    You make my day happy and bright
    To talk to you is always a delight.
    You always give me my space
    But I always know I'm welcome at your place.

    You're always are willing to lend a hand
    You're always there and understand
    Thank you, Grandma, for being you
    Always remember I love you too!

  15. My Nana, An Inspiration

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    My Nana, a woman of endless grace,
    A sweet smile on her face, in every embrace.
    As warm as the sunshine on a summer's day,
    Her love, a melody that never fades away.

    I treasure her dearly, she's the finest gem,
    In her presence, I find joy, a priceless gem.
    Her spirit's a fire, an eternal flow,
    With each day that passes, she's ready to go.

    In her laughter, life's a vibrant tune,
    She welcomes each morning, each afternoon.
    With boundless energy, she lights up the show,
    A testament that love and life always grow.

    My Nana, an inspiration, strong and true,
    In all she undertakes, in all she'll pursue.
    With that zest for living, she'll forever know,
    That love and joy continue to bloom and flow.

  16. My Nana, an inspiration, strong and true, In all she undertakes, in all she'll pursue.
     Grandma Quotes

  17. You're One Of A Kind

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Grandma, your helping hand, always extended wide,
    With love and care, you're always by our side.
    Never demanding, your heart is pure and kind,
    I want the world to know, you're one of a kind.

    I shout it loud, proud of the grandma you are,
    A guiding light, you've traveled near and far.
    Your love is a beacon, a comforting shroud,
    In your warm embrace, I stand tall and proud.

    With every act of love, in every selfless deed,
    You sow the seeds of kindness, a beautiful creed.
    In your gentle presence, we're forever endowed,
    Nana, you're the reason we stand tall and proud.

    Through all of life's seasons, you're a steady guide,
    With you by our side, we can always confide.
    Your love and support, in us, have deeply plowed,
    Grandma, for you, we stand united and proud.

  18. Grandma you have always been there for us, we love and appreciate you
     Appreciation Poems

  19. No Matter What

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    No matter what, no matter when
    My Grandma's a comfort and some then
    She would do anything
    For happiness to bring.

    She says never give up when I tried
    She encourages me to swallow my pride
    When mistakes I make
    She says, "Fix them before it is too late."

    She's like a second Mom
    To me and everyone.
    She's like a best friend
    Solid and with me to the end.

    Good to me was fate
    As my Grandmother is great!

  20. Grandma’s house - where the cookies are endless, the rules are few, and bedtime is just a suggestion!
    Funny Grandma Poems

  21. A Cheer For Grandma

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Grandma, you deserve a cheer
    We love you for that have no fear
    You are truly one of a kind
    Of that, we want to remind!

    You make us laugh, you make us smile
    For us, you always go the extra mile.
    We often say we love you more
    But then who is keeping score!

  22. Who Is The One

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Who brings cookies and treats to you
    Who thinks you're great in all you do
    Who is the one who doesn't care
    If you wake up like a bear.

    Who loves you unconditionally?
    Who always makes you so happy
    Who is the one who wants for your success
    And always wants to see you filled with happiness.

    Who is the one who is always caring
    Who is the one that is always sharing
    Who is the one who soothes the frights
    And will stay up with you all night.

    Who is the one that with bubbles will blow
    Who is the one who will play in the snow
    Who is the one that always smiles
    And pushes you to go that extra mile.

    Who is the one that always guides
    Who is the one that shows so much pride
    Who is the one whom I have such a bond
    Why it is - Grandma that I am so fond.

  23. Always There

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Nana, you always had time for me
    To read a book or just let me be.
    You're never said another day
    You were always willing to sit down and play

    And now the years are passing by
    And our age seems to multiply
    But our love for you will always be
    So strong for you to see

    Over the years
    We shared some tears
    But we always saw the sun
    And always had so much fun

    Thank you, my Grandmother, for loving me
    You're the best Grandmother that could be!

  24. Sunshine To My Life

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    The days of the past
    Seemed to have gone so fast
    But memories we each have
    And for that I am glad
    A grandmother like you
    Keeps us all from being blue
    In me you always see, and in me,
    You always believed
    You built me up when giving up
    Is what I want to do
    You bring sunshine to my life,
    I am glad you are mine.
    In case I have not said it enough over the years
    I love you Grandma and think of you as dear.

  25. You built me up when giving up is what I want to do You bring sunshine to my life
    Grandma Poems For Mothers Day

  26. Make Life Nice

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    If children are sugar and spice
    Grandma's are what make life nice.

    Full of love
    Sent from God above
    To guide us and a listening ear
    The unspoken words they do hear
    They always have time
    Night or daytime

    Oh, Grandma's make life nice
    We always appreciate their advice!!

  27. Grandmas Are

    Poet: Unknown

    Grandmas are for stories
    About things of long ago.
    Grandmas are for caring
    About all the things you know.

    Grandmas are for rocking you
    And singing you to sleep.
    Grandmas are for giving you
    Nice memories to keep.

    Grandmas are for knowing
    All the things you're dreaming of
    But, most importantly of all,
    Grandmas are for love!

  28. Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies
    Quotes on Grandparents

  29. A Big Thank You

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Oh, Grandma, I love you so,
    Your love and guidance always show.

    You’re always there for me with a strong embrace,
    I need not doubt you and your wise grace.

    Your unwavering loyalty guides me from strife,
    To make the right decisions in life.

    Your cherished advice is hard to deny,
    And has helped me become who I am inside.

    Without you beside me, I don’t know what I’d do,
    I just want to say, a big thank you!

  30. Thinking of You Grandma

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    I think about you often, Grandma dear;
    Your care and wisdom so clear;
    Your lessons of life and love offered true;
    Profound advice that I still pursue.

    You're the rock that steadies my course -
    An ever-shining light, like a torch;
    Helping me through times good and bad:
    In you, I feel nothing will make me sad.

    In my heart your place will always remain;
    You're an amazing Grandma in life's domain;
    My treasured memories with you abound;
    Your love surpasses all around.

  31. Grandmother's Baby

    Poet: Margaret E. Sangster

    Thirty years ago, my baby,
    A baby just like you,
    With golden fluff in silken rings,
    And shining eyes of blue,
    Came like a little angel,
    To fill my life with love,
    His dimpled hand was stronger then
    Than all the hosts above.

    But 'ere I knew it, baby,
    So fast the swift years ran,
    My darling was a romping lad,
    And then a bearded man.
    My darling went a-wooing,
    In honest joy and pride ;
    And as his father did before,
    He brought him home a bride.

    And I, a foolish mother,
    Felt somehow left alone;
    And the boy who was my first-born son
    Seemed not so much my own.
    "We mothers are so jealous,
    So selfish, I'm afraid;
    With so much earthly leaven.
    Our scales are often weighed.

    Now here are you, my baby,
    Son of my son, so fair,
    The hope of all our household,
    Of all our line the heir.
    Prince Royal; little comfort;
    There ne'er was babe so sweet;
    From golden head and violet eyes,
    To darling dainty feet.

    Thirty years ago, my baby,
    I tell it in your ear,
    Another nursling, just like you,
    Came from the angels here.
    I lost him in the whirlpool
    Of the rough world long ago;
    And now the angels bring him back —
    That's why I love you so!

  32. Grandymother Says

    Poet: Lucy Scott

    When Grandymother was a child,
    A long, long time ago,
    She says there were no motor-cars.
    It's funny if it's so.

    She says the busses used to have
    Bright pictures on the side.
    And did not go to Central Park,
    Just think what a short ride!

    And then they called them "stages,"
    And in winter they had sleighs.
    But now they clean the snow away,
    I don't like all new ways.

    But we can go up on the Drive
    And see the river there,
    A man named Hudson found it first.
    It must have made him stare!

    I don't think that she knew him,
    My Grandmother, I mean,
    But then of course she's very old,
    And lots of things has seen.

    Her hair is very nearly white.
    And she's very busy too.
    Because we children always make.
    So many things to do.

    There were not any trolleys then.
    They only had horse cars.
    And instead of all the steamships
    There were vessels with great spars.

    (I wonder what she means by "spars"
    And didn't they have steam?
    She talks so very quickly.
    It's like a running stream!)

  33. Grandmothers with twinkling eyes and hearts so bright, Share passions and hobbies in the soft moonlight.
    Poems From A Grandmother To Her Granddaughter

  34. Grandmother, You Are

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In Grandma's eyes, love sprinkles bright,
    Her joy for children takes flight.
    Never a frown upon her face,
    Always greeting with warm embrace.

    Her heart, a wellspring of delight,
    For girls and boys, so polite.
    In Grandma's sprinkle love we find,
    A treasure pure and kind.

  35. Grandmother, You Are

    Poet: Unknown

    Grandmother, you are like a patchwork quilt
    So cozy and warm.
    Just the smell of coffee
    Reminds me of your wisdom and charm.

    I know I can always come to you
    When lost or alone.
    For you always comfort me
    And make me feel at home.

    You are the silver lining of a cloudy day.
    And I know whom can trust
    When clouds blow my way.
    Grandmother, your hugs and kisses
    Will be stored in my heart each day.

  36. Grandma

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Grandma brings
    special things
    a hug, a kiss
    you are always missed.

    Grandma gives
    comfort to me
    if only I could be
    more like her in every way.

    Grandma, we love you
    we love all that you do
    to make us feel special and so loved
    you are sent from above!!

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Someday you will be a grandparent learn from yours, appreciate them, love them, and make them feel special!

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