119 Truth Quotes
A collection of short truth quotes. Telling the truth,being honest is always the right thing to do. May these bring you solace when you are tempted to say otherwise.
Truth and honesty go hand in hand for living a good life! You may also be encouraged by our collection of
poems about truth.
Always tell the truth, not only because it is the decent thing to do,
but because it gives you such an advantage over the man who is
trying to remember his lies!
Sam Brookes
Christian Poems
If I weed out the thorns of malice and untruth, and plant the seeds of helpful deeds, I'll reap the Rose of Lasting Youth!
John Kendrick Bangs, The Garden
Garden Poems
Prudence accomplishes many things, honesty makes us brave and true
J. J. Thorne, Attend To Thine Alone
Friendship Poems
Seek the right, though the wrong be tempting; speak the truth at any cost;
S. K. Phillips, We Shall Be Satisfied
Poems of Encouragement
A birthday is a celebration of the beautiful truth that you are a unique and wonderful gift to this world.
Author Unknown
Birthday Poems
Be true to truth: the proudest name that sterling worth may win
Unknown, Be True
Poems About Justice
- The world is full of sin, and vice, and crime.
But honesty will stand the test of time
John Imrie
Inspirational Poems
The world may think 'tis strange to show our love so pure, but Jesus alone gives truth that endures.
Catherine Pulsifer, Be The Hands And Feet Of Jesus
Poems About Hands
Happiness is ....truth our trusted tutor
William Arthur Ward, Happiness Is When
Poems About Happiness
May beauty and truth, keep you in youth
J. S. Ogilvie, Preserve Your Old Age
Funny Poems About Aging
Lord make me an instrument of your peace...where there is error, truth
St. Francis of Assisi, The Peace Prayer
St. Francis Prayer
Permanent good can never be the outcome of untruth and violence.
Mahatma Gandhi
Poems about Life
Jesus did not come to strike a balance between grace and truth. He brought the full measure of both.
Andy Stanley
Quotes About Jesus
In order to move your life forward and be true to yourself, you must be willing to release all that is untrue.
Rhonda Britten
Quotes About Being Yourself
If you can bear to hear the truths you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.....you'll be a Man, my son
Rudyard Kipling, If
If Poems
To embrace adulthood with a stoic face, humbled by the truth of life's relentless pace.
Catherine Pulsifer, Where Did The Time Go
Grown-Up Poem
In shadows of guilt, where secrets reside, truth waits patiently, it cannot hide,
Catherine Pulsifer, Shadows Of Guilt
Poems About Guilt
Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality.
Frank Herbert
Respect Quotes
He [God] knows, He loves, He cares, nothing this truth can dim. He gives His very best to those who chose to walk with Him.
Benjamin Malacia Franklin, Just A Weaver
The Weaver Poem
Everything Dies. That is the law of life - the bitter unchangeable law.
David Clement-Davies
Poetry about Life and Death
He fails not who makes truth his cause nor bends to win the crowd's applause.
Richard Watson Gilder, He Fails Not
Motivational Poems
Oh, how we pine for truth! for something more than husks of learning!
Chauncy Hare Townshend, What Is Truth
Poems About The Bible
We are either in the process of resisting God's truth or in the process of being shaped and molded by his truth.
Charles Stanley
Poems About Prayer
The Easter mystery is defined, but unexplained, in just a short, strong, simple assertion, "The third day He rose again from the dead"; and this tremendous fact, on which the truth of Christianity as a religion depends
Wm. Croswell Doane
Easter Quotes
Live upright, honest and fair, give rather than take;
J. J. Thorne, Work For Friendship
Famous Friendship Poems
- Speak the truth at all times, true confidence inspire
Catharine Ryder
Be Inspired
The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.
Lao Tzu
Poems About Beauty
Christ died for all; and on the hearts of all who gladly decorate their cheerful homes at Christmas Tide, this blessed truth should fall
Unknown, Christmas Outcasts
Christmas Poems
The truth of the resurrection gives life to every other area of gospel truth.
John MacArthur
Poems About Jesus Resurrection
...the first lie,the first glass of drink, seem very small things, yet leave a dark stain upon the character.
Unknown, First Stain
Poems About Character
It is strange but true; for truth is always strange; stranger then fiction
Funny Quotes About Life
Be strong today; the world needs men...to war for truth and conquer wrong.
W. T. Field, Strength
Poems About Strength
Hail to honest hearts and hands, and to the head that understands; hands that dare to truth subscribe
George W. Bungay, Heads, Hearts, And Hands
A Life Well Lived Poem
Without the Truth, there is no knowing.
Thomas Kempis, Without
Poems About Jesus
Though trodden under foot of men, truth from the dust will spring,
and from the press— the lip — the pen — in tones of thunder ring.
Daniel C. Colesworthy
- The ideas that have lighted my way have been kindness, beauty and truth.
Albert Einstein
Kindness Quotes
If you want to be funny, you don't tell jokes. You just tell the truth about your life.
David Roche
Life Quotes
...if you are both honest and kind, you'll be welcomed and loved most all of the time.
Juanita Roach
Kindness Poems
For rock solid friendship, never lie to your friends.
Saru Singhal
Quotes For A Friend
Peace is such a precious jewel that I would give anything for it but truth.
Matthew Henry
Bible Verses about Peace Of Mind
It's better sometime to be deaf, than to hear only lying and pander
Unknown, It's Better
Meaningful Poems
There's nothing so kingly as kindness and nothing so royal as truth.
Alice Cary, True Worth
Famous Poems
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to heed it
Unknown, And I ...
Short Love Poems
- Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.
Abraham Lincoln
Positive Quotes
Press on, press on to virtue; the prize you'll win at last, if with a courage unsubdued, and firm truth buckled fast
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Press On
Keep Going Poems
Wisdom teaches...the treasure of integrity.
William Arthur Ward, Wisdom Teaches
Wisdom Poems
Acting as if your life is good is closer to the truth than acting as if it is not.
Alan Cohen
Life Is Good Poems
Speak the truth, live the truth. Here our duty lie
J.J. Thorne, Think Carefully
Think Before We Speak
Because Truth never dies, our Freedom lives and lets us seek the Light that Reason gives and thus promote the brotherhood of man
Unknown, Because
Poems About Brotherhood
Christ is the Truth, the life and the Way....be advised strongly, you'll never regret,
the road paved by Jesus, the safest road yet!
Greta Zwaan, How Much Did Christ Really Suffer?
Poems About Jesus
And, for success, I ask no more than this: to bear unflinching witness to the truth.
James Russell Lowell, Ask No More Than This
Success Poem
Truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
Flannery O'Connor
Positive Quotes About Change
For friendship, my boy, is a bond between men that is founded on truth:
Edgar A. Guest, The Obligation Of Friendship
True Friendship Poems
The truth is found when men are free to pursue it.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Short Inspirational Quotes
I do not like the phrase, "It might have been!" It lacks all force, and life's best truths perverts
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, It Might Have Been
Life Journey Quotes
Friendship doth bind....truth only can complete the chain, its links enduring strength can give
Unknown, Friendship, Love, And Truth
Inspirational Friendship Poems
Seek for a bosom all honest and true, where love, once awakened, will never depart....and you'll find there's no home like a home in the heart.
Eliza Cook, A Home In The Heart
Poems About Home
To have struck one blow for truth in the daily fight with lies...shall be immortality.
Edwin Hatch, Towards Fields of Light
Positive Poems
Teach me the truth, Lord, though my feet may fear the rocky path that opens out to me
Frances Lockwood Green
Short Prayers

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; . . .
Max Ehrmann,
There are two kinds of lies as well: The kind you live, the ones you tell.
Edgar A. Guest, A Real Man
One Never Knows
I ask, O God....to speak the truth I know.
Florence Holbrook, A Prayer
Faith Over Fear
My God, my All — my loving Father — thy Truth makes free!
Arthur Franklin Fuller, Contemplation
God's Promises
I know that right is right, that it is not good to lie.
Washington Gladden, Things That Abide
Poems About Fate
If this old world were a truthful bird, and candid and generous, too
Ardeen Foster, If
God, you a son have given me:...help me to teach him all I can of honesty and decency
Douglas Malloch
A Father's Prayer
In some cases, the true issue is not that people cannot believe—it is that they "will not believe."
Paul E. Little, Know Why You Believe
Short Quotes

There is nothing as powerful as the truth and often nothing as strange.
Daniel Webster
Thought Provoking
How blind are some to simple truth — experience must teach these youth.
Arthur Franklin Fuller, Self-Will
Experience Quotes
The greatest homage to truth is to use it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quotes to Live By
Sordid pleasures have their day, Truth and Love shall ne'er decay; heaven and earth their blessings give, Love and Truth shall ever live.
John Imrie, A Souvenir Of Love
To My Friends
What could there be more purely bright in Truth's day-star?
Edgar Allan Poe, A Dream
Truth will prevail and Justice show - her tardy honors, sure, though slow.
Unknown, Fortitude And Trials
Courage Poems
Painful as it may be, rejection can be a good thing. Rejection can force you to confront the truth about what you really want—a truth that, maybe, you haven’t admitted to anyone yet, not even yourself.
Alexandra Franzen, You're Going to Survive
Whatever happens, I want to be self-respecting and conscience free.
Edgar A. Guest
Be careful not to imagine the worst in a situation and then treat your imagination as if it were the truth.
Stanley Steel, How to Not Be Jealous

It takes two to speak the truth - one to speak and another to hear.
Henry David Thoreau
May the words that you daily utter be the words of beautiful truth!
Unknown, Watch Your Words
Kind Words Are Like Honey
Everything changes, but God's Word doesn't change, because the truth never changes.
Rick Warren
God Quotes
Honor, honesty and truth are closely related concepts.
Kenneth Copeland
Quotes on Honesty
All our lives, truths are placed before us in symbolic form — not to deceive us, but to impress the truth upon us more convincingly.
Lionel B. Moses, The Truth About Santa Claus
Is There Really A Santa
Oh, yes, we mean all kind words that we say to old friends and to new; yet doth this truth grow clearer day by day: we love but few.
Love and Friendship Poems
When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey.
Truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is boring without it.
Pearl S. Buck
Attitude Quotes
Life is not a single undertaking with tightly related events but a series of exciting, swift pursuits full of truth and passion that culminate in a uniquely meaningful conclusion.
Charles H, Moore Jr., Jame Cockerille, Running on Purpose
Life Quotes
... learn to listen even when the pinhead's spindrift flies - amid the chaff his voice gives forth will be some grains of truth.
Strickland Gillilan
We Can Always Learn
What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.
C.S. Lewis
Just Go And Be A Friend
Adversity is the first path to truth.
Lord Byron
Adversity Quotes

It does not require many words to speak the truth
Chief Joseph
Graduation Poems
We need to contemplate the truth of our past (and, perhaps, present) mistakes, while receiving heaps of God's love, allowing that contrast to birth thankfulness in our hearts that rises in worship to our Savior.
Brian Simmons, Jeremy Bouma, Grace and Hope
Mistake Quotes
There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth.
Charles Dickens
Simplicity Quotes

Truth is a passion. One cannot learn it; one must possess it.
Ernst Toller
Learning Quotes
Truth is the only safe ground to stand on.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Solutions Quotes
He who tells a lie is not sensible how great a task he undertakes;
for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one.
Alexander Pope
Action Quotes

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
Mark Twain
Humorous Quotes
If you do not tell the truth about yourself, you can't tell it about other people.
Virginia Woolf
Thoughtful Quotes
By doubting we come at truth.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Doubt Quotes
Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now - always
Albert Schweitzer
Time Quotes

Honesty is the 1st chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
Motivational Quotes
"If anyone love me He will keep my word," truths from the lips of Christ, Our Sovereign Lord.
Eloise A. Skimings
Faith In God Poems
Sister on you I can depend. From you, I hear the truth. It has been that way since our youth.
Sam R. V. Gould, On You, I Can Depend
Sister Poems from Brother
The greatest truth must be recognition that in every man,
in every child is the potential for greatness.
Robert Kennedy
Children Quotes

We are born to inquire after truth; it belongs to a greater power
to possess it. It is not, as Democritus said, hid in the bottom of the deeps,
but rather elevated to an infinite height in the divine knowledge.
Michel de Montaigne
Knowledge Quotes
There are three parts in truth: first, the inquiry, which is the wooing of it;
secondly, the knowledge of it, which is the presence of it; and thirdly,
the belief, which is the enjoyment of it.
Francis Bacon
Enjoy Life Quotes
Ne'er let the day dawn on my sight that sees me shorn of sense of right
Arthur Franklin Fuller
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Mark Twain
Adaptability Quotes

I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs.
Samuel Goldwyn
Work Quotes
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo
Easy Poems to Memorize
At Christmas time especially, when life is not a Norman Rockwell painting, we can be deceived into believing that what we feel is truth.
Rebecca Bryan, The Carols of Christmas
Christmas Messages
Truth is what stands the test of experience.
Albert Einstein
Experience Quotes

Defeat is a school in which truth always grows strong.
Henry Ward Beecher
Defeat Quotes
When you tell the truth you never have to worry about being caught and having to ask for mercy.
Catherine Pulsifer, Best Practice
Quotes About God's Mercy
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains,
however improbable, must be the truth.
Sherlock Holmes
Appreciation Quotes
Yet much has been foretold to man, there’s knowledge and great guidance; the Word of God holds forth the truth and teaches man abidance.
Greta Zwaan, The Sower Becomes The Seed
God Cares For You
Remember good, remember truth
Priscilla Leonard, Forget - Remember
Keys For Life
Lying makes a problem part of the future;
truth makes a problem part of the past.
Rick Pitino
Problem Quotes
Let each and every one, to whom is told " They Say," just pause, before replying, and ask who are the "They."
Lillian E. Curtis
They Say
Procrastination is the thief of time, truth reveals it at its close;
sip the tongue and lips in truth. And give the heart repose.
J.J. Thorne
The Heart's Repose
A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
Edgar J. Mohn
Sustainability Quotes
Poems about Truth
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