Try Try Again Poem
Be encouraged by a try, try again poem. You succeed in life when you are determined and try again; don't quit and don't give up!
You can always try again, one more time, perhaps a different way, or perhaps with some help, but what is most important is that you do try again.
As Thomas Edison once said, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up." When we don't attempt to try again it truly is a weakness. And, Nick Vujicic clearly states what happens when we stop trying:
"Defeat happens only to those who refuse to try again."
The poems here all encourage us to try again, perhaps a different way or using a different method, but always try again if you want to find success!
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Poems Of Encouragement /
Try Try Again Poem
Try Again
Poet: David V. Bush
When you've tried and failed and lost,
When astray your plans are tossed,
Other days are just ahead;
Other men have fought and bled;
Others oft have tried and said,
Try, try again!
When life seems an empty state.
When you pause and question fate.
Other men have heaved a sigh;
Other men have longed to die;
Others, too, have paused to try —
Try, try again!
When you've cast your die and failed.
When your star has waned and paled.
Other men have lost their way;
Others stuck and won the day;
Others now in wisdom say.
Try, try again!
When the world's been cold and rough,
When you meet each harsh rebuff,
When misfortune's flailed you blue;
Circumstances dogged you, too,
Then there's one way left to you —
Try, try again!
Don't Quit Poem
Making Your Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
When your head feels just like lead
And you don't know which way to tread,
Don't throw in the towel, don't give up,
Sit back and drink from your coffee cup!
When it looks like nothing will work
Just take a few moments to perk,
Your spirit and take a deep breath
To try something totally fresh.
Now you feel ready for round two
You're ready to try something new!
This try may result in a way
That success will be found, making your day!

Success Poem
Hang On
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Though the task is too arduous
And your patience are thin
Do not give up,
Look and see there's a silver lining in.
Stand back and refocus,
Then tackle it from anew
Armed with courage and faith
You can make your dreams come true.
Take a deep breath and don’t you quit,
Don’t just bend with the wind
Stay rooted like the old tree
Victory will come to be.
Try a different route,
Persevere and have hope
Try, try again
Hang on to that rope.
Poems About Perseverance
Keep on Tryin'
Poet: Unknown
Wipe off your chin, pull down your vest;
Allow nothing to ban your way,
Fight harder still to win the day,
Then things are bound to come your way.
Don't claim that fortune passed your door
And gave your lucky neighbor more.
You'll find Old Lady Luck is for
The man who works and don't get sore -
No matter how the rain may pour.
If hard fate deals you a slap,
Don't curl up like a yellow sap;
Knock all obstacles off the map
An show 'em how a man can rap.
When 'gainst the tide turn on more stream;
Any dead fish can float down stream.
To breast life's currents, take the tip:
It takes a live one, full of zip,
That nothing, short of death, can whip,
Just keep on tryin'.
Never Give Up Poem
Best Remedy
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
It's not enough to simply try and fail,
No matter how much time does pass.
To truly reach higher goals you must persevere,
And keep pushing no matter the task.
What's important here is your attitude,
No need to get down in the dumps.
Instead, view failure as an opportunity,
Take time to reassess, and then get back up!
So don't be afraid of adversity,
When you come across it instead charge on!
Accept advice but remember one thing,
The best remedy always is "try try again".

Adversity Poems
Look For Possibilities
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Look for possibilities, toil away the night
The discouragement overcomes, you feel no light
Do not despair of your efforts in vain
Success may be just around the corner if you try try again
Overwhelmed and exhausted, too weary to fight
Just keep going on and see things in a different light
In time, with persistence its power will sow
Keep striving onward, trust that soon you'll know
If we don't give up and try one more time
We may discover the way
Be persistent, confront fears head on
And your efforts they will pay!
Poems on Determination
How You Feel
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
No matter how frustrated you feel,
One more time, just try again,
For if you believe it is possible,
The challenges soon will be slain.
Let go of the doubt from within your mind,
Trust your abilities, don't be blind.
Everything takes time to unwind,
Persevere and never give up in kind.
The path to success may weave but it's true,
If you keep at it something good will ensue.
Be proud of taking this step anew,
You'll eventually succeed through and through.
Keep Your Head Up Quotes
Try, Keep Trying
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
Have your efforts proved in vain?
Do not sink to earth again;
Try, keep trying:
They who yield can nothing do;
A feather's weight will break them thro';
Try, keep trying:
On yourself alone relying,
You will conquer; try, keep trying.
Falter not! but heavenward rise!
Put forth all your energies;
Try, keep trying:
Every step that you progress
Will make each future effort less;
Try, keep trying:
On the truth and God relying,
You will conquer; try, keep trying.
Ponderous barriers you may meet,
But against them bravely beat;
Try, keep trying:
Nought should drive you from the track,
Turn you from your purpose back;
Try, keep trying:
On yourself alone relying,
You will conquer; try, keep trying.
You will conquer if you try,
Win the prize before you die;
Try, keep trying:
Remember, nothing is so true,
As they who dare will ever do;
Try, keep trying:
On yourself and God relying,
You will conquer; try, keep trying.

Christian Poems
Don't Be Dismayed
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
They said to keep believing,
Don't be dismayed,
Try again and you'll reach success
As your reward one day.
Do not give in to skepticism
No matter what the talk,
Work hard towards your goal
But take a break and a walk.
It may prove difficult at times,
It's natural so don't be sad,
Press on through the trials and errors
You will win and be glad.
Discouragements come before
Heights of aspirations, so cheer,
For what better advice is there
Except, try try again, with flare!

Disappointment Poems
The Road To Success
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The road to success sometimes feels long,
But know failure is not wrong.
For you have not failed if you've learned what won't work
And can try again with newfound knowledge perk.
Through knowledge gained, when given a good chance
Can turn a failure into greatness advance.
So never waver or let your spirit deemed weak,
For success could be over the next peak.
Do not despair and your vision detain,
Try again, determined remain.

Poems About Failure
Accepting Defeat
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Accepting defeat, and not trying again
Is accepting failure which then
Sees all my hopes start to fade
Until I learned that mistakes are pathways made.
With determination and lessons, I did learn
I try again to achieve what I did yearn.
For in trying again, the seed of triumph grows,
And from the ashes of defeat, success surely shows.
Poems About Defeat
Keep Trying
Eben E. Rexford
If boys should get discouraged,
At lessons or at work,
And say, "There’s no use trying,"
And all hard tasks should shirk,
And keep on shirking, shirking,
Till the boy became a man,
I wonder what the world would do
To carry out its plan?
The coward in the conflict
Gives up at first defeat;
If once repulsed, his courage
Lies shattered at his feet.
The brave heart wins the battle,
Because through thick and thin,
He’ll not give up as conquered -
He fights, and fights to win.
So, boys, don’t get disheartened
Because at first you fail;
If you but keep on trying,
At last you will prevail;
Be stubborn against failure;
Try! Try! and try again;
The boys who keep on trying
Have made the world’s best men
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It is clear that when facing difficult times, it is important to remain determined and resilient. Even if solutions are not immediately apparent, you should never give up on trying to find a way forward.
These poems demonstrate the importance of perseverance and remind us that, no matter how hard things seem, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. Ultimately, by staying focused on our goals
and refusing to give up, we can make our dreams a reality.
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