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An archive of previous weekly poems from September to December 2022. Be inspired and encouraged by these verses of poetry.
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Weekly Poems
Weekly Poems Page 2
Poem For The Week of December 26, 2022

The Child And The Year
Poet: Celia Thaxter
Said the Child to the youthful Year:
"What hast thou in store for me,
O giver of beautiful gifts, what cheer,
What joy dost thou bring with thee?"
"My seasons four shall bring
Their treasures: the winter's snows,
The autumn's store, and the flowers of spring,
And the summer's perfect rose.
"All these and more shall be thine,
Dear Child, - but the last and best
Thyself must earn by a strife divine.
If thou wouldst be truly blest.
"Wouldst know this last, best gift?
"'Tis a conscience clear and bright,
A peace of mind which the soul can lift
To an infinite delight.
"Truth, patience, courage, and love
If thou unto me can'st bring,
I will set thee all earth's ills above.
O Child, and crown thee a King!"
more New Year Poems
Poem For The Week of December 19, 2022

A Christmas Turkey
Poet: Crocket McElroy
A Christmas present is easy to make,
But a token of friendship should follow,
Mine is enclosed in the turkey you take,
Which is solid proof it is not hollow.
As a toothsome sign of love it is sent,
And to show you what our Maker can do,
He tells us to love with earnest intent,
And has provided this turkey for you.
Take it, and bake it, then richly enjoy,
And forget not the friend you befriended,
Whose heart will ever remember with joy,
The kind assistance you promptly lended.
May God bless you and your family dear,
And keep all of you healthy and happy,
That you may gladly welcome each New Year,
And on every Christmas be merry.
more Christmas Poems
Poem For The Week of December 12, 2022

Christmas Eve
Poet: Lillian E. Curtis
Ah, yes, another year with its rapid flight,
With its promised pleasures that deceive.
Another year with all its changes, great or slight,
Brings us to Christmas Eve.
My mind is wandering far away, -
May I not my dear Father grieve.
To my mind there rushes a brighter day.
Revived by Christmas Eve.
My mind is flighty, but my heart is true,
Dear Father, I'll look to thee.
For thou wilt kindly lead me through,
And guide me o'er Life's treacherous sea.
more Christmas Eve Poems
Poem For The Week of December 5, 2022

Poet: Paul Laurence Dunbar
What dreams we have and how they fly
Like rosy clouds across the sky;
Of wealth, of fame, of sure success,
Of love that comes to cheer and bless;
And how they wither, how they fade,
The waning wealth, the jilting jade
The fame that for a moment gleams,
Then flies forever, - dreams, ah - dreams!
O burning doubt and long regret,
O tears with which our eyes are wet,
Heart–throbs, heart–aches, the glut of pain,
The somber cloud, the bitter rain,
You were not of those dreams - ah! well,
Your full fruition who can tell?
Wealth, fame, and love, ah! love that beams
Upon our souls, all dreams - ah! dreams.
more Poems about Dreams
Poem For The Week of November 28, 2022

The Fallen Snow
Poet: John Kendrick Bangs
The snow hath fallen, and the world
Lies in an icy mantle furled,
The which to some speaks but of ill
And wintry chill.
To me,
Its perfect whiteness, and the glint
Of spotless beauty are a hint
That in a world of flaws, and flecks.
And sorry specks,
There still are stores of Purity,
Unsullied by the stress and strife
Of Life.
more Winter Poems
Poem For The Week of November 21, 2022

Poet: Margaret E. Sangster
I thank You for these gifts, dear God,
Upon Thanksgiving Day -
For love and laughter and the faith
That makes me kneel to pray.
For life that lends me happiness,
And sleep that gives me rest,
These are the gifts that keep my heart
Serene within my breast.
Love, laughter, faith and life and sleep,
We own them, every one -
They carry us along the road
That leads from sun to sun.
more Thanksgiving Poems
Poem For The Week of November 14, 2022

Thinks Of Thee
Poet: M. E. B.
Bright be this happy day -
Bright as the flowers of May -
Yet e'er it pass away,
Think once of me.
Think of the friend of yore,
Kindly as heretofore.
Who, never meeting more.
Still thinks of thee.
more Thinking Of You Poems
Poem For The Week of November 7, 2022

Scatter Seeds of Kindness
Poet: Winona Lewis
Let us scatter seeds of kindness.
For in nature's varied soil,
We'll be sure to find some portion
Which shall well reward our toil.
And though some spots seem barren,
'Tis the blasting wind of care
And the coldness of humanity
Have left their impress there.
Let us scatter seeds of kindness,
And bright rays of heavenly love
Will be sure to gain our labor
If we trust in Him above.
For, though some spots be rugged.
Or in solitary gloom
We can hope that seeds of kindness
Even there will often bloom.
Let us scatter seeds of kindness,
And then trust in God's good will;
For the heaven-born labor
With a joy our hearts shall fill.
For this bleak world's icy coldness
Has too often cast a gloom
O'er some gentle, loving nature
Where the choiies flowers may bloom.
Then scatter seeds of kindness,
For in nature's varied soil.
We'll be sure to find some portion
Which shall well reward our toil.
For although some spots seem 'barren,
'Tis the blasting wind of 'care.
And the coldness of humanity
Have left their impress there.
more Christian Poems
Poem For The Week of October 31, 2022

Poet: Nettie Steeves
There is lots of wealth in this old world,
If men would search it out.
There is gold and silver in the mines,
And lots of gems, no doubt.
But what is wealth to be compared
With peace and love at home.
Where friends are friends whom you can trust,
Why should you want to roam?
But wealth can give you lots of things
That peace cannot afford.
Wealth can take wings and fly away with those
Who love their gold to hoard.
more Poems About Money
Poem For The Week of October 24, 2022

To Competence
Poet: C. E. Lund
The constant plodder will succeed,
Though he be dull and slow;
True industry will gain reward,
Where sloth can never go.
Industry in childhood days,
Frugality in youth,
Are stepping stones in later life
To competence, in truth.
find another Success Poem
Poem For The Week of October 17, 2022

Poet: Nettie Steeves
Each little flow on earth
Is kissed with morning dew
Each little rain drop from above
Has work on earth to do.
Every little ray of sunlight
The beauty in some flowers unfold
Each cheery song the robin sings
May cheer some lonely soul.
Each little snowflake in the air
Has its appointed place
To cover o'er the frozen earth
In white, from upper space.
Each little stream that gently flows
Along its banks some flowers grow,
Each little daisy in the dell
Lover's secrets know, but daises don't tell.
find another Flower Poem
Poem For The Week of October 10, 2022
Do Not Answer Back
Poet: David V. Bush
Yea, call me blockhead, dunce or clown,
Dumfool and all the rest;
Yet I will never answer back
Or hit beneath the vest.
I'll let my life speak for itself;
I'll rest at peace serene
With naught to fear or dread altho'
My foes use paris green.
You cannot say enough harsh things
To make me “lose my goat;"
I'll take abuse, a plenty man,
And then give up my coat.
Yea, tackle me with fouling blows,
Yes, strike at me behind,
And do your level best, dear sir,
I will not wince or whine.
I'll not talk back or answer you;
I'll work with might and main;
Altho' you dirty me with mud,
I'll wash my shirt again.
Before I’ll answer slander’s tongue
Before I’ll make retort
I’ll let my life and manner, sir,
Secure me as a fort.
There’s one safe way to have no scars
When gossip dogs your track,
And that is just to bridle speech
And do not answer back.
more Poems of Encouragement
Poem For The Week of October 3, 2022
Be What We Are
Poet: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Let us, then, be what we are, and
speak what we think, and in all things
Keep yourselves loyal to truth,
and the sacred professions of friendship.
It is no secret I tell you,
nor am I ashamed to declare it:
I have liked to be with you,
to see you, to speak with you always.
more friendship poems
Poem For The Week of September 26, 2022
Years Go By
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Think of all the special people
Who love you and care
The people in your life
Who touched you by being there.
Don't count your candles
Or think about the years
Think about your blessings
Don't let your birthday be a fear.
Each year that goes by
Remember you are blessed
To have so many people
Who have contributed to your happiness.
more birthday poems
Poem For The Week of September 19, 2022
Poet: W. A. Bixler
Beautiful sun that giveth us light,
Beautiful moon that shineth by night,
Beautiful planets in the heaven so far,
Beautiful twinkle of each little star.
Beautiful waters so blue and so clear,
Beautiful sound of the surges we hear,
Beautiful brooklet, its ripples so sweet,
Beautiful flowers that bloom at our feet.
Beautiful springtime when all is delight;
Beautiful summer, so warm and so bright;
Beautiful autumn, with fruits and with grain;
Beautiful winter, with snowflakes again.
more poems about beauty
Poem For The Week of September 12, 2022

Poet: N. A. Haven
I love the dews of night;
I love the howling wind;
I love to hear the tempests sweep
O'er the billows of the deep!
For nature's saddest scenes delight
The melancholy mind.
Autumn! I love thy bower,
With faded garlands dressed;
How sweet alone to linger there
When tempests ride the midnight air!
To snatch from mirth a fleeting hour,
The Sabbath of the breast!
Autumn! I love thee well;
Though bleak thy breezes blow;
I love to see the vapors rise,
And clouds roll wildly round the skies,
Where from the plain the mountains swell.
And foaming torrents flow.
Autumn! thy fading flowers
Droop but to bloom again;
So man, though doomed to grief awhile,
To hang on Fortune's flckle smile,
Shall glow in heaven with nobler powers,
Nor sigh for peace in vain.
more autumn poems
Poem For The Week of September 5, 2022
Without You
Poet: Henry Dumont
Without you, love, the day would hold no light,
The kindly stars would vanish from the night,
The flowers would forget to wake at morn,
The rose die sleeping, leaving but the thorn,
Without you.
Without you, love, no promise would be bright,
Hope's golden sun would darken at its height,
The world of all its glory would be shorn,
And I should be a wanderer, forlorn
Without you.
more short love poems
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