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An archive of previous weekly poems from January to March 2023. Be inspired and encouraged by these poems.
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Weekly Poems Page 3
Poem For The Week of March 27, 2023
Opportunities Are Like Gardens
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Opportunities are like gardens so sweet,
It takes patience, care and hard work to make them complete;
Plant the seeds of chance in rows ever so neat,
Nurture each one every single day in heat.
If you be weary or ever you should tire,
Turn your head away from the field with no desire,
Take heart and have faith in what lays ahead,
Opportunites like garden will spread.
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Poem For The Week of March 20, 2023
Spring A Time Of Rebirth
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Spring, a time of rebirth and renewal!
Buds on the trees awaken from their slumber.
Warm breezes instead of a frosty rumble.
Snow melting off for newly greened bowers.
Greenery sprouting thanks to the showers,
Butterflies emerging from chrysalides,
Nature awakens in its full pride.
With hope each year, we welcome spring
And all good things that it brings.
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Poem For The Week of March 13, 2023
Happy St. Patrick's Day To You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
On this day may the luck of the Irish be with you
Wear green and look for a shamrock or two
Spread sunshine and smiles for all to see
A blessing to others always be.
Bring good cheer and spread joy where you go
Let the true spirit of the Irish show.
We are all a little bit Irish, that's true,
Wishing a Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!
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Poem For The Week of March 6, 2023
Never Go Back On A Friend!
Poet: John Imrie
In the pathway of life,
'Mid its trials and strife,
There's a motto to you I commend:
In life's ups and its downs,
In its crosses or crowns,
You must never go back on a friend!
Though your friends may be few,
Let them feel that in you
And your word they can ever depend;
To preserve your good name
From contumely and shame
You must scorn to go back on a friend!
There are times when you can't
Keep engagements you want;
Don't neglect explanations to sand;
Just as true as you live,
They will freely forgive -
And not say you went back on a friend!
Though the seas ebb and flow,
Let your friends ever know,
You are faithful and true to the end;
Should misfortune betide,
They will stand by your side,
For YOU never went back on a friend!
There is one Friend above,
Whom we all ought to love.
Who is strong as a Tower to defend;
Let His Word be your guide,
And keep close by His side -
Don't go back upon God as your Friend.
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Poem For The Week of February 27, 2023

A Stroke Of Luck
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Life is filled with many
Forging forward with trepidation,
Steps towards the unknown we take.
Doors that open leave us a question,
"What lies beyond and what is at stake?"
Sometimes what's gone does not return,
Leaves a broken heart in its wake.
But don't despair and don't sojourn;
Sometimes "not getting" can be great!
A new road may lead to an unknown shore,
A bigger chance for something more.
A hope crushed might open a door,
Sometimes not getting is a stroke of luck!
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Poem For The Week of February 20, 2023

Life's Ups And Downs
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Life is filled with many
Ups and downs,
Resulting in happiness
And sometimes frowns.
It can challenge your will,
And take away your pride,
When it seems things won't turn around,
Just hold tight and don't hide.
Through the highs and the lows,
You may stumble but you'll grow.
Your journey today may make you
Laugh or fill you with woe.
But if you find a smile
No matter what unfolds,
You can face life's
Challenging roads.
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Poem For The Week of February 13, 2023
Binds Us Together
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Love is what binds us together,
My love for you will be forever.
My heart soars when your eyes meet mine,
Love is what I feel inside.
For we have a bond like no other kind,
Even in the darkest moments, our love shines.
Together, with joy and bliss, we bask on life's shore
Our love grows each day, blooms ever more.
find another Valentines Day Poems
Poem For The Week of February 6, 2023

Always There
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A mother's love is always there,
From the moment you were born,
It reaches far beyond compare,
It's the love that never torn.
No matter how life turns out,
Whether happy or blue,
A mom's heart leaves no doubt
A never-ending devotion to you.
Her faith always large and strong,
She stands no matter what comes her way,
Offering up a loving song,
That guides us through each day.
No force of will can break her hold;
The power of a mother’s heart;
For unconditional love is bold –
For children even when apart.
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Poem For The Week of January 30, 2023

Few Words
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The gratitude in each heart can be seen,
With words that you mean.
Simple words like "Thank You" and "I appreciate you"
Will be appreciated even though they are few.
A simple act of giving and love
Can speak loud enough without rising above.
For it shows what’s really inside the soul,
My words may be few but my appreciation is whole.
more Appreciation Poems
Poem For The Week of January 23, 2023
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
'Tis better to have tried in vain.
Sincerely striving for a goal.
Than to have lived upon the plain.
An idle and a timid soul.
'Tis better to have fought and spent
Your courage, missing all applause.
Than to have lived in smug content
And never ventured for a cause.
For he who tries and fails may be
The founder of a better day;
Though never his the victory,
From him shall others learn the way.
more Poems About Failure
Poem For The Week of January 16, 2023

A Show Of Kindness
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Oh feel the joy and see the light,
A show of kindness can ignite,
Ones heart will start to take flight
For even little acts make a difference bright.
When helping out with kind words or deeds,
An increase in love one shall see,
The warmth expands both far and near,
And ripples outward with nothing to fear.
Little small gestures like these,
Can fill hearts overflowing with ease
Tangible love and lots of smiles,
Spreading kindness from mile to mile.
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Poem For The Week of January 9, 2023

A Simple Thank You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A simple thank you
Can mean so much.
Especially to one
We love and trust.
Saying these words
To one who is true,
Expresses appreciation
For them from you.
Never hesitate to
Say "thank you".
Express appreciation for
What they do!
more Thank You Poems
Poem For The Week of January 2, 2023

Angry Looks
Poet: John Burbidge
Angry looks can do no good,
And blows are dealt in blindness;
Words are better understood.
If spoke but in kindness.
Simple love far more hath wrought.
Although by childhood uttered.
Than all the battles ever fought.
Or oaths that men have uttered.
Friendship oft would longer last.
And quarrels be prevented.
If little words were let go past.
Forgiven, not resented.
Foolish things are frowns and sneers.
For angry thoughts reveal them;
Rather drown them all in tears
Than let another feel them.
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