Weekly Poems Page 4
An archive of previous weekly poems from April to June 2023. Be inspired and encouraged by these poems.
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Weekly Poems
Weekly Poems Page 4
Poem For The Week of June 26, 2023
Oh, Summer Days
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Oh, summer days how we long for your arrival,
When the sun shines bright and we feel so vital.
Longer days mean more time for adventure,
Vacation time brings pure relaxation pleasure.
The flowers in bloom bring endless joy,
This wonderful season is what we employ.
Excitement fills the air, laughter fills our ear,
Summer, oh how we cherish you year after year.
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Poem For The Week of June 19, 2023
What If
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Thinking about "what if", my mind does wander,
Lost in dreams of paths I might have pondered.
But the past is gone, a fleeting mist of gray,
The present calls, beckoning me to live this day.
Regrets and doubts may cloud the hopeful view,
Don't focus on "what if", focus on what you can do.
Your life is woven with your own hands,
Each choice, each step, a chance to take a stand.
So set aside those haunting "what ifs,"
Embrace the now, where true potential lives.
Today is a new day, keep moving forward and see
Decisions and choices to be the best you can be!
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Poem For The Week of June 12, 2023
A Dad Is
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A Dad is strength, a guiding light,
A beacon of love shining so bright.
He lends a hand, in times of need,
A support system that helps us succeed.
His wisdom whispers in our ears,
A compass through life's trials and fears.
A Dad is love, unconditional and pure,
A heart so gentle, steady and sure.
He teaches lessons, day by day,
A source of wisdom to light our way.
His kindness blooms within our souls,
A foundation on which our lives unfold.
A Dad is joy, a source of cheer,
A source of laughter, so sincere.
He lifts our spirits, with every smile,
A source of happiness that spans a mile.
His joy spreads warmth through every part,
A reminder that love fills his heart.
A Dad is love, laughter, and light,
A source of strength, shining so bright.
He weaves a tapestry, made with care,
A legacy of love we'll forever share.
His presence lingers, never to cease,
A blessing that brings us love and peace.
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Poem For The Week of June 5, 2023
Spread Smiles
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In a world that often feels grey,
Where clouds of worries can weigh,
There's a simple gift we can display,
Spreading smiles like sunshine's ray.
With love as our guiding light,
We can make someone's day shine bright,
A gentle gesture, warm and sincere,
Bringing joy, dispelling any fear.
A smile holds magic all its own,
A language universally known,
It lifts spirits, heals hearts with grace,
Filling each moment with a tender embrace.
So let's share this treasure we possess,
A simple act, but it can impress,
Illuminate the world with kindness and cheer,
Brightening lives, making moments clear.
With each smile we freely give,
We ignite a flame, helping others live,
Let love lead the way, in every single play,
Spread smiles like sunshine, making someones day!
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Poem For The Week of May 29, 2023

Laughter Is Good
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Laughter is good for you, it's true,
So why not laugh every day too?
Studies show, it can heal and soothe,
Less stress, more joy is the groove!
A giggle here, a chuckle there,
It'll make your day smoother to bear.
So focus more on laughter today,
Cause happiness is just a laugh away!
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Poem For The Week of May 22, 2023

Sometimes I Wonder
Poet: Unknown
Sometimes I wonder when things go wrong,
Has God forsaken and left me alone?
Then I remember through trials and distress,
He's always with me, I'm mostly richly blessed.
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve;
I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly obey.
I asked for health, that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.
I asked for riches, that I might be happy;
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life;
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for,
But everything I had hoped for,
And almost despite myself,
My unspoken prayers were answered.
He's always with me
I am, among all men, most richly, blessed.
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Poem For The Week of May 15, 2023

Each Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In each day's embrace, seek goodness untold,
Let gratitude shine, like a story of gold.
For even in shadows, a glimmer resides,
To find the good, where hope coincides.
Through life's twists and turns, challenges galore,
Unearth the blessings, abundant, and more.
In every moment, both big and small,
There's something beautiful, awaiting your call.
A smile from a stranger, a warm summer's breeze,
A kind word whispered, putting hearts at ease.
Find joy in simple pleasures, let gratitude bloom,
And watch as the world brightens, dispelling all gloom.
So, cherish each sunrise, with grateful eyes,
Unveiling the treasures, life gently supplies.
Discover the goodness, in each step you take,
And let positivity guide you, for goodness' sake.
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Poem For The Week of May 8, 2023

For Kindness Makes Us Better
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Let us all strive to do better,
Be kind without any fetter;
Judge not and accept all we can,
For respect is the potion to a better land.
Shun negative thoughts in what we think,
With love in hearts the world will not sink;
Take this strict stand and never alter,
For kindness always makes us better.
Be kind, don't judge and show respect,
By doing this you'll be amazed at the effect!
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Poem For The Week of May 1, 2023

Poet: Edgar A. Guest
Upon my shelf they stand in rows,
A city-full of human souls,
Sages, philosophers and drolls–
Good friends that everybody knows.
The drunkard shoulders with the saint;
The great are neighboring with the quaint
And they will greet me one and all
At any hour I care to call.
There’s Dickens with his humble crew
That has no end of joy to give.
With all his people I can live
By moving just a foot or two.
Or should I choose to sail the sea,
Stevenson there will pilot me,
While jovial, lovable Mark Twain
Waits patiently my call again.
Sometimes a friend drops in and looks
My little sitting room around
And, in a manner most profound,
Remarks: “Your shelves are lined with books!”
And men to cling to or despise.
Vast peopled cities, calm and still;
For me to visit when I will.
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Poem For The Week of April 24, 2023

This Day Is Here
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Yesterday's gone, tomorrow may be
In life, there are no guarantees.
Live your life - this day is here,
Let your attitude be one of cheer.
Cherish today with a smiling start.
Help other people with a loving heart.
To this day, give your best
Life is meant for living, realize you are blest.
find more poems A New Day Poem
Poem For The Week of April 17, 2023

Doesn't Suit Me
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I must complete each task I see
For procrastination does not suit me
It's foolish to delay, tempt fate and presume
That I may have time tomorrow for them to resume
My efforts I shall apply at once
To get it all done, nothing less, but only the best
Success can be found when due diligence is applied
But procrastination never yields the prize that is required.
find more Poems About Procrastination
Poem For The Week of April 10, 2023
Begins A Brand New Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The sun begins to rise,
A morning of tranquility and bliss,
The stillness of the air
Is an answer to a single silent wish.
As the world awakens gently,
As soft light glints through the trees,
Reminds us all of new beginnings
And the paths on which we please.
Dawning skies present such beauty,
A moment composed in gold,
A time of safety and reflection
While bravely gripping life’s hold.
Begins a brand new day
With optimism held within our hearts,
So many choices await us,
So much joy we can impart.
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Poem For The Week of April 3, 2023
Giving Us Hope
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The events of that fateful day,
People witnessed in dismay,
As Jesus, up on the cross did die,
Unimaginably they did cry.
But a few days later gladdening news was told,
Jesus had risen unscathed and bold,
A glorious day like none before,
Giving us all hope for sure.
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