Weekly Poems Page 5
An archive of previous weekly poems from July to September 2023. Be inspired and encouraged by these poems.
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Weekly Poems
Weekly Poems Page 5
Poem For The Week of September 25, 2023
Morning Prayer
Poet: Naomi Beery
God help me as I start this' day
To choose that road: Thy chosen way;
And give me strength to bear my load
Of cares and pains while on this road.
Keep 'me from speaking words unkind.
And impure thoughts keep froim my mind.
Teach me to smile, to be one's friend;
And to those in need, my help to lend.
More Monday Prayer
Poem For The Week of September 18, 2023
The Past Is Done
Poet: Catherine Puslifer
Regret for words and deeds of old,
So swift our suffering that it holds;
Yet from regret can come relief,
If apology will bring reprieve.
Acknowledge wrong in thought and deed,
Admit the hurt shall now recede;
Forgiveness can release us all,
The past is done and we should not befall.
More Forgiveness Poems
Poem For The Week of September 11, 2023
Challenges Appear
Poet: Catherine Puslifer
In life, the road we tread may wind and bend,
Challenges appear, as if they’ll never end.
Our weary hearts tremble, thoughts of quitting near,
But wait! Do not quit, nor yield to fear.
For hidden in these trials, strength does reside,
Each hurdle crossed brings growth, our spirits revived.
Embrace adversity's dance, let hope ignite,
Keep moving forward – challenges shall soon take flight.
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Poem For The Week of September 4, 2023
In The Halls Of Learning
Poet: Catherine Puslifer
In halls of learning, where young minds reside,
A haven built upon knowledge's tide,
School weaves a tapestry of structured thought,
Where passions kindle and dreams are sought.
Within its walls, interactions bloom,
Learning takes place in every room.
Guided by teachers, wise and true
An education creates the future too.
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Poem For The Week of August 28, 2023
September Arrives
Poet: Catherine Puslifer
September arrives, a shift in the air,
Whispering secrets of autumn's affair.
Leaves adorned in shades, vibrant and bold,
Speak tales of stories we'd long been told.
Warm days fade into cool, tranquil nights,
Nature's canvas painted with fiery delights.
A solemn reminder of time marching by,
In September's embrace, change does not lie.
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Poem For The Week of August 21, 2023

A Lesson We Should Heed
Poet: Unknown
Here's a lesson all should heed —
Try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try, try again.
Let your courage well appear;
If you only persevere,
You will conquer, never fear —
Try, try, try again.
Twice or thrice though you should fail,
Try again.
If at last you would prevail,
Try again.
When you strive, there's no disgrace,
Though you fail to win the race;
Bravely then, in such a case,
Try, try, try again.
Let the thing be e'er so hard,
Try again.
Time will surely bring reward —
Try again.
That which other folks can do,
Why, with patience, may not you?
Try, Try, Try Again
find more Try Try Again Poem
Poem For The Week of August 14, 2023

A Brand New Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Good morning to you, a brand new day!
May blessings pour forth, come what may.
Embrace the sunlight, let it guide your might,
With joy and excitement, from morn till night.
Each sunrise unfolds a canvas pristine,
Opportunities are endless, unseen.
So seize this moment with all that you can,
Today is your chance to soar and expand!
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Poem For The Week of August 7, 2023

My First Grey Hair
Poet: John Imrie
I found a streak of silver fair
Among my locks of raven hair,
That made my eyes wide open stare,
My first grey hair!
Come thou as friend, or come as foe,
As sign of wisdom, or of woe?
Which of these four I'd like to know,
Thou lone grey hair!
"Grey hairs are hon'rable" 'tis said.
But raven black becomes my head,
I'd rather far that thou wert red.
My first grey hair!
I hope the years to come may see
A grandchild sitting on each knee,
Grey hairs will then becoming be,
And dark ones rare!
I hope to live to see the day.
Though may it yet be far away,
When all my locks shall turn to grey.
All silvery fair!
But not just yet, - no ! not for gold
Would I permit thee to have hold
Upon my scalp - I'm not that old !
Begone! - grey hair!
find more Funny Poems About Aging
Poem For The Week of July 31, 2023

Summer Winds
Poet: E. K. Linton
Joyous birds are singing,
Laden boughs are swinging,
To the breezes flinging
Scent and petals light;
Sunrays take their pleasure
In the blossoms' treasure,
Dancing to the measure
Of the winds delight.
Yellow cornfields bending
Show the swift wind wending
O'er their surface, lending
A grace of rippled seas;
White snow-clouds are sailing
O'er the deep blue, trailing
Gauzy films, scarce veiling
Aught of heaven's peace.
Sparkling wavelets shiver
On the leaping river,
Dashing onwards ever
With a mad, sweet speed,
Through the summer hours
With their glistening showers
Sprinkling happy flowers
On the bordering mead.
Earth with joy is thrilling
To the wind's sweet shrilling
Through the light trees, filling
Bended boughs with song;
All the world has broken
Into joy, the token
Of the wind's word spoken
Tremulous and strong.
find more Poems About The Wind
Poem For The Week of July 24, 2023
Poet: C. E. Lund
Hope is an anchor, strong and fast,
In life's afflictions firmly cast;
Sustaining wayworn travelers all.
As struggling on, for help we call.
Hope is a beacon, shining high,
In life's tempestuous, stormy sky;
Revealing ways before unknown,
As on our path its light is thrown.
Hope is a lever, stout and true,
In life's deep sorrows, not a few,
Oft lifting up our weight of cares,
And freeing from entangling snares.
Hope is a tower, a trysting-place
Where faith beholds Messiah's face:
A sure retreat from blighting sin
As we securely hide within.
Hope helps us all to bear the load,
Along the ever-changing road,
And saves from falling by the way,
As beams its bright, celestial ray.
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Poem For The Week of July 17, 2023

An Eventful Journey
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My life, a road so steep and trekked so hard
Many lessons I've learned, but some have left their scar
Rugged terrain, detours and roadblocks galore
An eventful journey that I have to endure.
The joys of life are sweet and the woes quite bitter
In the midst of it all one thing is certain;
Life is short; life is nothing but a glitter
So enjoy each moment no matter the pickle you're in.
Like a roller coaster ride, the highs and lows we just can't keep from
Make your miles worthwhile, above all, make sure to LIVE!
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Poem For The Week of July 10, 2023

The Rose
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Do you see the rose,
So beautiful and divine?
Let not thorns dissuade
Your gaze from its shine.
Though thorns may make life
Hard to navigate
Focus instead on the gifts
That await.
Choose optimism in life
And be bold
Rise above strife be
Happy and whole.
We can choose to see roses
Amongst the thorns
If our attitude is positive -
We will welcome it, not mourn.
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Poem For The Week of July 3, 2023

The Daisies
Poet: Nettie Steeves
Pretty little daisies,
Standing tall and prim,
Nodding in the sunshine,
Waving in the wind.
Pretty little daisies,
All dressed in white,
Every tiny petal
Is placed just right.
Laughing in the sunshine,
Winking in the rain,
Pretty little daisies,
Neither proud nor vain.
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