Welcome Friends
We welcome our friends into our lives. Let these short poems be ones that remind you of the importance of friends and may they offer a welcoming verse that you will share with your friends.
Friendship means that we give each other support
and encouragement.
We hope the words of the Poet, John McLeod, encourage you to always extend
a welcoming hand to those who are dear to you. John is a man who lived his life always extending a hand and offering a welcome. You can see this in his poems!
And we hope you are encouraged to welcome people into your life by the other poems shown here.
Short Poems & Quotes /
Friendship Poems
Welcome Friends
Welcome Friends Gladly
Poet: John McLeod, ©
Welcome Friends, right gladly
So bright the love you bring,
For when I'm feeling sadly
All alone, you put the spring
Back in my step, your laughter
Is the tonic that I need,
A sense of ever after
Growing from love's wondrous seed,
Welcome Friends, warm greeting
Ever caring, ever near,
So blessed is our meeting
And our sharing happy cheer.
You bring a sense of knowing
That has banished care's dark night,
Thrice welcome Friends, Love's glowing
Leading safely to His Light!
You may also enjoy our collection of quotes for a friend.
There Is Nothing Like
Poet: John McLeod, © 1988
There's nothing like a good old hug
To make your feathers glisten
A friend to share the moments with
To talk with and to listen
So be assured, this Friend
Who loves your presence and society
Restrains his hugs (in this localle)
Preserving, thus propriety.
Yet, all this said, you know he cares
And always will, no matter,
With dulcet tones, this poet and clown,
Loves you no matter!
best friend poems
This poem, Dear Friend, was written by John for his friends
that expresses the welcoming of God's love.
Dear Friend
Poet: John McLeod, ©
Dear Friend,
though time itself will clearly show
The way that, long ago, we chose to go
Towards the light of His dear love, I know
That faith's strong tree will ever stronger grow.
And, whiles, we find the journey daunting, still
One day we'll stand upon a splendid hill
And looking back will joyfully agree:
"What came to pass was always meant to be!"
Timeless as a sea-shell on a single shore,
And all the questions ever asked will one day bring
A splendour and a radiance of love before
And to the endless asking such sweet answering.
Timeless as a sea-shell on a single shore,
And each day but a twinkly in an ageless eye,
For every earthly care that ever shoulders bore
Wil life ere one bright spirit hour wings gently bye.
Timeless as a sea-shell on a single shore,
And love that will transcend and light
Each darkened place,
Lift suffering's grief and oh such joy bring to the fore,
The Good Lord's guidance and His radiant smiling face!
More Friendship Poems
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