Welcome Baby
Poems to welcome baby. A baby is a bundle of joy, a miracle, an expectation like no other. Babies added a softness to a sometimes hard world.
Share these poems with others to welcome the baby. Welcoming a baby can be a baby shower, a visit to the home or hospital.
We all enjoy
seeing a new baby for the first time! And we are always looking for something unique to give to the new addition. Sharing a poem is something that can
be saved and enjoyed for years to come.
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Baby Poems
Welcome Baby
Your New Baby
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Welcome, baby, you we adore
And to Mom & Dad, this baby is yours
We know you have waited for this precious bundle
We want to say congrats, to you, a special couple.
Your new baby is precious and beautiful
Your new baby is cuddly and wonderful
We know many happy hours will be spent
A new baby in the house is truly an event.
Enjoy these special times with your new little one
They are times that compare to none
God bless you as you raise your child
When He saw your baby He looked down and smiled.
A New Baby Brings
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A new baby brings love, happiness, and more
Changing your world as never before!
Life will be different with a little one
Smiles and giggles and lots of fun.
Of course, there are those midnight cries
And mornings when early you will rise
But a baby will bring to your life
Much more happiness than strife.
We welcome your new infant this day
We know you will be happy in every way.
When that first baby smile comes along
You will be dancing and singing a song!
More poems to welcome baby:
Baby Shower Poems
Baby Blessing Poem
Life Holds No Measure
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Life holds no measure
To a new baby and the pleasure
That they bring to everyone who sees
The little chubby cheeks they all want to squeeze.
They count their fingers, they count the toes
And they all say what a cute little nose.
We send wishes of love and happiness to baby and you
May your days be filled with dreams that come true.
I Wonder
Greta Zwaan, © 1981
I wonder little one, who you will be
As I feel you wriggle inside of me.
The turbulent surges of joy that I sense,
The feeling of awe while I’m bound in suspense.
Will your hair be curly? Will your eyes be blue?
When you come, will my world revolve around you?
Will you bring us the joy that others speak of?
Will our lives be filled with even more love?
Do I dress you in jeans or wee pinafores?
Will I teach you to bake or will you help do the chores?
I’m longing to hold your wee hand inside mine,
To teach you, to train you, to mold a design.
Ten little fingers and ten little toes,
A sweet little dimple, and a cherub, pert nose.
Your daddy is anxious, he keeps watching me,
He’s protecting his interest, each inch and degree.
I don’t know how long he is willing to wait,
But he’s frequently saying, “I hope it’s not late.”
So, dear little infant, our pride and our joy,
Won’t you plan to come quickly? Be you girl, be you boy.
I’m counting the days now until you arrive,
My bundle of blessing; my form so alive!
Our hearts have a welcome, our home is prepared,
As soon as you enter our lives will be shared.
Quotes About Babies
Our Baby Boy
Poet: C. C. Hassler
Here's to the laughing Baby Boy.
The boy with the dark blue eyes;
Whose smile is as sweet as the sunbeam bright
As it drops from the sun-lit skies.
Here's to the laughing romping boy,
That leaps to your arms as pure
As the lily that blooms in the garden of love
And rests in your arms secure.
Here's to the happy loving boy,
A comfort the whole day long —
And goes to rest like the birds at night
As he carrolls his sleepy song.
Here's to the fair cheeked winsome boy,
Who laughs through his baby eyes,
And cuddles up close as he dreams and sleeps
To the sound of sweet lulla-bys.
Mother's Darling
Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge
Two little girls are better than one;
Two little boys can double the fun;
Two little birds can build a fine nest;
Two little arms can love mother best.
Two little ponies must go to a span;
Two little pockets has my little man;
Two little eyes to open and close;
Two little ears and one little nose.
Two little elbows, dimpled and sweet;
Two little shoes on two little feet;
Two little lips and one little chin;
Two little cheeks with roses set in.
Two little shoulders, chubby and strong;
Two little legs running all the day long;
Two little prayers does my darling say;
Twice does he kneel by my side each day.
Two little folded hands, soft and brown;
Two little eyelids cast meekly down;
And two little angels guard him in bed;
One at the foot, and one at the head.
A Little Face
Poet: Unknown
A little face to look at,
A little face to kiss;
Is there anything, I wonder,
That's half so sweet as this?
A little cheek to dimple
When smiles begin to grow,
A little mouth betraying
Which way the kisses go.
A slender little ringlet,
A rosy little ear,
A little chin to quiver
When falls the little tear.
A little hand so fragile,
All through the night to hold;
Two little feet so tender,
To tuck in from the cold.
Two eyes that watch the sunbeam
That with the shadows plays;
A darling little baby
To kiss and love always.
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