Love and Friendship Poems
You cannot have a friendship without love. We hope these love and friendship poems remind you of the love you have for your friends. May they inspire you to appreciate and love your friends.
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Friendship Poems
Love and Friendship Poems
Hand in Hand
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Love and friendship go hand in hand
You can't be a friend if you demand.
You care about your friends
And to them love you do extend.
You can not care without a loving feeling
It is like being alive without breathing.
Love is shown in many ways
It may be simply, "have a good day".
Love is being happy about all the things
That to your life a friend does bring.
It being there when times are tough
Helping each other get through the rough.
When you love someone it does show
And our love for our friends can only grow.
Being there for each other
Sharing love, like that of a brother.

True Friendship Poems
We Love But Few
Poet: Unknown
Oh, yes, we mean all kind words that we say
To old friends and to new;
Yet doth this truth grow clearer day by day:
We love but few.
We love! we love! What easy words to say,
And sweet to hear,
When sunrise splendor brightens all the way,
And, far and near,
Are breath of flowers and carolling of birds,
And bells that chime;
Our hearts are light: we do not weigh our words
At morning time!
But when the matin music all is hushed,
And life's great load
Doth weigh us down, and thick with dust
Doth grow the road,
Then do we say less often that we love.
The words have grown!
With pleading eyes we look to Christ above,
And clasp our own.
Their lives are bound to ours by mighty bands
No mortal strait.
Nor Death himself, with his prevailing hands,
Can separate.
The world is wide, and many friends are dear,
And friendships true;
Yet do these words read plainer, year by year:
We love but few.
In this poem, We Love But Few,it appears that the poet is suggesting that "we love but few". However, as Christians who read this poem know all too well, love is not a simple expression that is reserved for only but a few.
We are, as 1 Corinthians 13 so clearly details that the expression "love" pertains to all those to whom we meet no matter the circumstances nor their status as defined by world values. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 reads in the NIV:
The extended love spoken of in the above verses does not dishonor others for your own sake nor to spread gossip among those you know. Love navigates the arrows slung by the evil one so that we all hold true to the love of God given to all of us regardless of the fact that we may never have loved God first. Love is a never-ending, ongoing habit firmly rooted in our hearts that cannot be destroyed through selfishness, anger, lack of hope, or the presence of evil and all of its manifestations.
To those who might claim that they love only a few in this life do not know the truth, the way, and the life that is abundantly granted to those who seek and knock. Only those who have given their lives to Jesus Christ in full repentance and open declaration of their faith and trust can ever experience the peace that transcends all understanding. Open your minds to Christ's love and you will be able to give to all you meet the love that has been graciously given to you.
Although we have many types of friends, and over the years we develop new friendships, our old friends never lose their special place in our lives. And, love never fades through the eyes and behaviors of those who really understand that love given is a result of love received.
Admire and Love Them
Poet: Unknown
Those who would make friends must cultivate
The qualities which are admired and which attract.
You must cultivate generosity and large-heartedness;
You must be magnanimous and tolerant;
You must look upward and be hopeful, cheery and optimistic.
No one will be attracted by a gloomy pessimist
If you have friends, don't be afraid to express your friendship;
Don't be afraid to tell them you admire or love them.
A lady was asked how she managed to get along so well
With disagreeable people.
"It is very simple," she replied; " all I do is to try to make
The most of their good qualities and pay no attention to their disagreeable ones."
No better formula by which to win and hold friends could be found.
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