25 Poems About Happiness

Poems inspiring gratitude and joy, embracing happiness in everyday moments.

The gladness you scatter to others, you’ll find, is the joy that comes back to your mind. Edgar A. Guest, It’s What You Scatter

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Updated January 2, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Let these poems about happiness inspire you to embrace the joy found in everyday moments. Happiness isn’t a far-off goal; it’s right here, in the little things—a quiet walk, a warm smile, or the pride in a job well done. It’s in the simple joys that fill our days.

True happiness starts with gratitude. When you feel good about who you are, the work you do, and the people around you, contentment follows. These poems are gentle reminders to take a moment, look around, and see the beauty and kindness already in your life.

We hope these short poems bring a smile to your face and peace to your heart. Life moves fast, but happiness is always close by—if we take the time to notice it.

  1. The Roads of Happiness

    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    The roads of happiness are not
    The selfish roads of pleasure seeking,
    Where cheeks are flushed with haste and hot
    And none has time for kindly speaking.
    But they're the roads where lovers stray,
    Where wives and husbands walk together
    And children romp along the way
    Whenever it is pleasant weather.....

    Read the complete poem, The Roads of Happiness

  2. Pursuit of Happiness

    by Drummond

    Half the world is on the wrong scent
    in the pursuit of happiness.
    They think it consists in having and getting,
    and in being served by others.
    It consists in giving and in serving others.

  3. Also find thoughts on being happy in these pages:

    Poems About Being Happy

    Poems About Laughter

    Poems About Contentment

    Poems About Joy

    Smile Poems

  4. Happiness Beyond the Storm

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    When life feels heavy, skies turn gray,
    And hope seems lost along the way,
    Remember this: the storm will cease,
    And in its wake, you'll find your peace.

    Through trials tough, your strength will grow,
    A brighter path begins to show.
    Resilience builds a joy that's true,
    For happiness lives inside of you.

  5. Where Is Happiness

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    A job, a car, a house, or two
    Are they the things that bring happiness to you?
    Where do I find this happiness thing?
    Can someone to me it bring......

    Read the complete poem, Where Is Happiness

  6. You see if you are content with life If you brush off the strife And find joy in the little things You will find happiness will sing.
    Happiness Quotes

  7. Let Us Do Good

    Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy

    Let us do good. How sweet the thought,
    We have the wretched blest —
    Threw smiles upon a clouded brow,
    And sunshine in the breast ......

    Read the complete poem, Let Us Do Good

  8. Act Of Happiness

    by Maurice Materlinck

    Let us never forget that an act of goodness
    is of itself an act of happiness.
    No reward coming after the event
    can compare with the sweet reward
    that went with it.

    Let your task be to render yourself worthy of love,
    and this even more for your own happiness
    than for that of another’s.

    Let us never forget that an act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness.
    Kindness Poems

  9. Human Happiness

    Poet: Nannie H. Woodruff

    I hold that human happiness,
    If built on self, is nothing worth
    That bliss translated means to bless
    Some other denizen of earth......

    Read the complete poem, The Human Happiness Poem

  10. H A P P I N E S S

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Holds the key to a joyful way,
    Always brightens the darkest day.
    Patience helps it grow and bloom,
    Positive thoughts will clear the gloom.
    In every moment, big or small,
    Never forget, it’s a choice for all.
    Encourage others, spread the cheer,
    Share a smile to draw it near.
    See the good, a true secret to happiness.

  11. Happiness Is When

    by William Arthur Ward

    Happiness is our heritage when
    Faith becomes our constant companion;
    Self-discipline our tireless teacher;
    Integrity our competent coach;
    Truth our trusted tutor;
    Discernment our careful critic;
    Optimism our able advisor;
    Goodness our gifted guide;
    Beauty our infallible inspiration;
    And love our blissful benediction.

  12. Your Own Making

    Poet: T. L. Cuyler

    Bear in mind that your happiness or your misery
    is very much of your own making.

    You cannot create spiritual sunlight any more than
    you can create the morning star;
    but you can put your soul where Christ is shining.

    Keep a clean conscience.
    Keep a good stock of God's promises within reach.
    Keep a nightingale of hope in your soul that
    can sing away the dark hours when they do come.

  13. Bear in mind that your happiness or your misery is very much of your own making.
    Positive Poems

  14. Make Your Happiness

    Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012

    When you feel, life isn't true
    Keep in mind,  life's truth is you.
    You make your path, from here to there.
    It's up to you, to dream and care.

    No one else can, make you happy.
    So get right on it, and make it snappy.
    Life's too short, to waste your day.
    I truly hope, you get out and celebrate today!

  15. The Clown’s Prayer

    Poet: Unknown

    As I stumble through this life,
    Help me create more laughter than tears,
    Dispense more happiness than gloom,
    Spread more cheer than despair.

    Never let me become so indifferent,
    That I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of the child.
    Or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.
    Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,
    Make them feel happy, and forget momentarily,
    all the unpleasantness in their lives.

    And in my final moment, may I hear you whisper:
    When you made my people smile, you made me smile.

  16. Relationships are essential to happiness. Accept people for who they are and help them become better.  Clement Getate
    Life Journey Poems

  17. Happiness We Seek

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Happiness is what we’re all chasing,
    Yet so few find it, life feels racing.
    It’s not in riches or things we own,
    But in kindness and love that we’ve shown.

    A smile, a laugh, a heart that’s light,
    These are the things that make life bright.
    Happiness grows when we choose to share,
    It’s always found when we truly care.

  18. Fragments of Happiness

    Poet: Priscilla Leonard

    Happiness is like a crystal,
    Fair and exquisite and clear,
    Broken in a million pieces,
    Shattered, scattered far and near.
    Now and then along life's pathway,
    Lo! some shining fragments fall;
    But there are so many pieces
    No one ever finds them all.....

    Read the complete poem, Fragments of Happiness

  19. The Right Road

    Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox

    I have lost the road to happiness,
    Does any one know it, pray?
    I was dwelling there when the morn was fair,
    But somehow I wandered away.

    I saw rare treasures in scenes of pleasures,
    I ran to pursue them, when lo!
    I had lost the path to happiness,
    And knew not whither to go.

    I have lost the way to happiness,
    O, who will lead me back?
    Turn off from the highway of selfishness
    To the right, up duty's track.

    Keep straight along, and you can't go wrong;
    For as sure as you live, I say,
    The fair lost fields of happiness
    Can only be found that way.

  20. The Power of a Smile

    Poet: Unknown

    Smile, and the world smiles with you,
    Knock and you go alone;
    For the cheerful grin
    Will let you in
    Where the kicker is never known.....

    Read the complete poem, The Power Of A Smile

  21. Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can.
    Life Is Too Short Poems

  22. Live Each Hour

    by Kay Cammer

    I live each hour
    As I find it.
    This hour is lovely -
    Those behind it
    Were sometimes minus
    Warm smiles or bliss
    But I'm unconcerned;
    I'll never miss,
    Or waste time over,
    Happiness is now
    When the hour begins.

  23. What Good Is A

    Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012

    I can tell you, one true thing,
    What good is winter,if there is no spring?
    I can tell you, another great thing,
    What good is a voice, if you will not sing?

    I can tell you, one more thing,
    What good is a swing,  if the children they won't bring?
    There are many things in this world,
    That are made better by another.

    So next time you are feeling blue,
    Find your other, and see it through.

  24. To Live Content

    Poet: William Henry Channing

    To live content with small means;
    To seek elegance rather than luxury,
    And refinement rather than fashion,
    To be worthy, not respectable,
    And wealthy, not rich;
    To study hard, think quietly,
    Talk gently, act frankly,
    To listen to stars and birds,
    To babes and sages,
    With open heart,
    To bear all cheerfully,
    To all bravely await occasions,
    Hurry never.
    In a word, to let the spiritual unbidden
    And unconscious grow up through the common.
    This is to be my symphony.

  25. To live content with small means. . . With open heart, To bear all cheerfully,
    Gratitude Poems

  26. If You Can

    by Francis M. Scott

    If you can to some others give
    A happy hour,
    It will be happiness for you,
    A fragrant flower.

  27. Poor Sort Of Happiness

    Poet: George Eliot

    It is only a poor sort of happiness that could ever come
    By caring very much about our own narrow pleasures.
    We can only have the highest happiness by having wide thoughts,
    And much feeling for the rest of the world,
    As well as ourselves;
    And this sort of happiness often brings so much pain with it
    That we can only tell it from pain by its being what
    We would choose before everything else,
    Because our souls see it is good.

  28. Looking For Happiness

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2020

    Many people are looking for
    Happiness behind any door
    Happiness they want to find
    Happiness of any kind.

    Happiness is not something outside
    It is an attitude you can provide
    Your happiness is not down the road
    And, it doesn't mean an easy load.

    Happiness is found in you
    How you look at life and what you do
    You decide each day, you see
    How happy you will be?

  29. Happiness

    by James Lane Allen

    All high happiness has in it some element of love;
    all love contains a desire for peace.
    One immediate effect of new happiness is to make us
    turn toward the past with a wish to straighten out its difficulties,
    heal its breaches and forgive its wrongs.

  30. All high happiness has in it some element of love; all love contains a desire for peace.
    Giving Poems

  31. Happiness Through Faith

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    When burdens weigh and doubts arise,
    Lift your heart to the open skies.
    In prayer, you'll find a gentle rest,
    With God, you're held, forever blessed.

    Faith lights the way when shadows fall,
    His love and peace outshine them all.
    True happiness, both pure and deep,
    Is found in promises He will keep.

  32. Road To Happiness

    Poet: Grenville Kleiser

    The road to daily happiness
    Is not so hard to find,
    You walk ahead serenely
    And leave your cares behind.

    A word of cheer upon your lips
    A ready hand to give,
    A smiling face, a snatch of song
    Will help you well to live.

    The love you give to others
    The good that you may do,
    The helping hand you proffer
    Will bring happiness to you.

    The road to daily happiness
    Is not so hard to find,
    It's what you do for others
    That brings true peace of mind.


Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about finding and maintaining happiness, answered with thoughtful insights.

Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. – Nathaniel Hawthorne

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