8 Poems About God's Grace
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poems about God's grace. God's grace is given freely to us and we should be thankful and encouraged that we have a loving God who provides such grace
as we certainly would never be able to earn it. Be encouraged by these poems.
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Poems About God's Grace
A Gift Divine
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the realm of awe, where grace does reside,
A gift divine, bestowed, no sin to chide,
From God's abundant love and tender mercy,
Unearned, unmerited, undeserved by me.
No lofty deeds or righteous acts to claim,
Yet His grace flows forth, like a sacred flame.
With grateful hearts we humbly now confess,
God's boundless grace - our souls forever blessed.

Poems About God's Blessings
A Reminder Of His Love
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In our lives, God's grace does shine,
Compassion vast, a love that's so divine.
Despite our flaws and every sin we bear,
God's forgiveness reigns, His mercy held with care.
Through trials faced and shortcomings revealed,
His kindness everlasting, never concealed,
For in His grace, we find redemption's key,
A solemn reminder of His love for thee.

Poems About God's Love
God's Marvelous Grace
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2008
O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful You are!
You have been part of all our days,
Since the beginning of time You were there,
discerning and checking our ways.
We're not aware of the time that You spend,
or at least we tend not to be,
We are engrossed in our own little world,
as if that is how to be free.
But Lord, in Your marvelous grace and Your care,
Your knowledge of our innermost thought,
Have brought us the choice of eternal life;
through Jesus our freedom was bought.
How can we thank You? What can we say?
Is there a response You desire?
Can we pay back a part of this debt?
To what would You have us aspire?
You are so holy, we are so frail,
so far beyond what You seek,
We roam about in our own selfish way,
seldom hearing You speak.
Your still, small voice seems so far away,
it's the noise of the world that attracts,
We'd rather not deal with restrictions at all,
its hard enough handling the facts.
But if it's Your will to transform us from this,
to teach us the way we should go;
It's only when You intervene in our lives and
show us what we ought to know.
Though we can't attain to the standards You set,
the least we can do is to try,
To be wary of sin, faithful in love,
all earthly enticements deny.
With Your assistance and in Your strength,
give me the grace to be true,
Then I will daily sing of Your praise;
my voice shall ring out, "I LOVE YOU!"
Bible Verses
Reasons to Sing
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2008
Angels sing the praises of God, a multitude of voices,
Joy before the throne of grace in which our God rejoices.
Perfect clarity and pitch, songs of adoration,
Melodies for heaven alone, holy consecration.
Human voices can’t attain to that mark of glory,
Yet our praises still will rise when we tell Christ’s story.
Unsurpassing sacrifice, holy God descending,
In the form of human flesh shows His love unending.
Great compassion for mankind, man so unacceptive,
Love so deep, without reserve, yet man is more selective.
Imagine! Man, who has a choice, God states, “it’s your decision.”
Would walk away from grace so deep
and hold God in derision.
God, who made man from the dust, stoops to give man choices,
God, who reigns o’er all the earth
directs the angels’ voices.
God, who holds each breath we take,
frail and weak or healthy,
Has control of all we are, be we poor or wealthy,
How then do we dare to say His will still has no bearing;
In ignorance we criticize
and say He is uncaring.
If God is love where is the proof? There’s violence, grief and crying;
Man’s inhumanity to man,
destruction, tears and dying.
Has He no power to refute? Does He not see our sorrow?
Is there ever to be hope? Hope?
Perhaps tomorrow.
Why does God refuse to act? Surely there’s a reason.
Does He need to tell us why? God!
Who guides each season?
Don’t blame God for things we do,
sin is our creation;
If we controlled man’s inner greed, we’d have a better nation.
If we saw others as ourselves, perhaps saw their potential,
Unite our talents as a team,
this team could be essential.
Amazing what two folks can do when one has not that bearing;
The world would be a better place if we could be more caring.
If angels sing their praise to God and bow their wings before Him,
Humbly we should bend our knees to worship and adore Him.
Criticism has no place in God’s plan for living;
Work together for His good,
give and keep on giving
Joy will fill your inner heart, then grace gives you power;
Songs will flow from grateful lips,
praise to God each hour.
Praise God Poems
Journey With Jesus Poems
Just Like Mom
Greta Zwaan, © 2009
Come into my Father's house, have no hesitation,
Don't be fearful of His wrath, or His holy station.
Yes, He's great, a sovereign God, the Holy one of power,
The very breath that we inhale comes from His grace each hour.
But don't despair of all this might, His love is how He calls us,
A gentle nudge, a holy plea, concern for what befalls us.
Like running home from school one day to loving arms who'll hold us,
We need not knock, we dash right in, and mother will not scold us.
And God, like Mom, with great delight, waits patiently to see us,
He's always there, in joy or pain, His love alone can free us.
But we know that with all their love, our moms have limitations,
But God's great power holds all the earth and covers all the nations.
God had no limit on His time, He has no business hours,
The moment that you call His name He shows His mighty powers.
If we'd respond as quick as God and come when He first calls us,
The still, small voice that melts the heart, the joy that then enthralls us.
We'd stand in awe that this great God would stoop to serve creation,
And humbly give His life for all with glorious, free salvation.
Yes, God is great, but not that big to put on airs and scorn us,
He fashioned us out of the dust and all our lives has borne us.
Of our will we drift away, we fail to take direction,
And God steps back and lets us go, He does not force affection.
But just like Mom, His love won't sway, His open arms receive us,
And He rejoices when we come; we're home, He'll never leave us!

Poems About God
Quotes About God's Grace
Peace, Be Still
Poet: Maria J. Dodge
Be still and know that I am God;
Bow down thine head and kiss the rod;
'Tis sent in love to bring thee home.
Come, kneel before thy Father's Throne.
Come, in His ear pour all your woes.
And wrestle with your unseen foes;
Passions without and wrath within,
And all the dread, dark fiends of sin.
Come, bare your soul before His eyes,
Let incense from your heart arise;
If you to Him in meekness come,
You'll find a Just and Holy One.
Come, walk with Him the narrow way.
Where forms of darkness cannot stay;
To all who walk in love with Him
He gives a holy peace within.
With the invisible cords of love
He'll draw your hearts to Him above;
Then bow your heads, and kiss the rod
Of Him who says, "I am your God."
Trust In God Poems
Poems About Faith
The Cross
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Upon the cross, a symbol worn with grace,
Jesus endured, His suffering embraced.
Through trials deep, His endurance held strong,
A reminder amidst pain, where we belong.
In blood and tears, we find strength to hold,
The cross whispers truth, as stories unfold.
Serious tones echo, with each weary breath,
Jesus' endurance a testament till death.

Poems About The Cross
How Vast Is His Grace
Poet: W. C. M.
Some drag their heaven down to earth,
Some raise it to the skies,
Some think they share its holy mirth
Before the body dies.
But what the time and what the place,
This much at least is known,
That we shall see Him face to face,
And know as we are known.
Some hope to "touch the vanished hand,
Complete the broken aim;
Some but around the throne to stand,
And magnify His name.
I only know a silent space
Between me and my own,
Since they have met Him face to face
And know as they are known.
Some fear to meet His dreadful eye,
To hear. His awful word;
Some on His bosom long to lie,
And pant to meet their Lord.
I know, - how vast must be His grace,
How pure must I have grown,
Ere I can see Him face to face
And know as I am known.
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