46 Wind Quotes
Let these wind quotes give you different thoughts on the wind. Some people hate the wind, while others love it. And in life we feel the winds of change,
the winds of challenges and the winds of joy. You may also enjoy our collection of poems about the wind
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Hang in there always remembering the storms of life do pass, the winds die down, and the sunshine and blue skies do appear again.
Catherine Pulsifer
The Oak Tree Poem
Jesus responded, "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!" Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.
Matthew 8:26
Christian Poems

If blasting winds have blown your way. Do not lose your pep! No wind or storm can last for aye. Do not lose your pep!
David V. Bush, Do Not Lose Your Pep
Poems Of Encouragement
February, bringer of winter winds so cold yet love and warmth doth thou unfold.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Month Of February
Month Poems
You must decide where you want to go. Do not let the winds of life determine your life's outcome. Set your sail, and use the winds of life to get to where you want to go.
John Whitton
Poems About Life

When you meet challenges stand your ground and don't be moved by the wind
Grant Ngobean, In Life
The wind as it gently sways through the treetops, causing the birds to sing merrily. It whispers through the starlit night, only to disappear when the day breaks.
Catherine Pulsifer
Famous Nature Poems
When the wind is blowing and the sleet or rain is driving against the dark windows, I love to sit by the fire, thinking of what I have read in books of voyage and travel.
Charles Dickens
November's winds whisper tales of change, urging us to embrace the new chapters of life.
Helen Edwards
November Poems

The bitter cold of January creeps in, whipping winds, and frosty mornings begin.
Catherine Pulsifer, Bitter Cold
January Poems
The whispers of the wind speak a language
Greta Zwaan, Sounds Of Silence
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
Henry Ford
Encouragement Quotes
Trees seem to speak on windy days.
Norman T. Schlechter, Outdoor Trust
Tree Poems
Blow March Wind, with your whistle and roar, your blustering days will soon be o'er
John Franklin Bair, To The March Wind
Poems About The Seasons
The wind blows on us all, but it's how you set your sail that makes the difference.
Jim Rohn

The wind has blown across it and helped to scatter seeds; whoever makes a garden has all the help he needs.
Douglas Malloch, Who Makes A Garden
May the soft winds freshen your spirit. May the sunshine brighten your heart.
Irish Blessing
Irish Blessing Quotes
Listen to the whispers of the wind this October night, for they hold the secrets of the spirits wandering the earth.
Author Unknown
August invites us to dance with the wind, to sway with the rhythm of life, and embrace our truest selves.
Author Unknown
August Quotes
If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose, through the use of your imagination.
Napoleon Hill
Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I: But when the trees bow down their head, The wind is passing by.
Christina Rossetti
A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind.
Chinese Proverb
Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.
Nicholas Sparks
Red leaf, gold leaf, flutter down the wind
Ellen Mackay Hutchinson, Autumn Song
Autumn Poems

I hear the wind among the trees playing celestial symphonies
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, A Day of Sunshine
The leaf lives its appointed time, and does not struggle against the wind that carries it away. The leaf does no harm, and finally falls to nourish new leaves. So it should be with all men and women.
Robert Jordan
Poems About Leaves
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
John Ruskin
Sunshine Quotes
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward
There is a place where the sidewalk ends and before the street begins....and there the moon-bird rests from his flight
to cool in the peppermint wind.
Shel Silverstein
Where The Sidewalk Ends Poem
The task is not to control the wind, but to direct the movements of the ship so that it stays on course.
Michael Hinz
I was as unburdened as a piece of dandelion fluff, and he was the wind that stirred me about the world.
Sarah J. Maas
Dandelion Poems

Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I but when the trees bow down their heads, the wind is passing by.
Christina Rossetti
Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.
Arthur Golden
Adversity Quotes
The eagle does not escape the storm, it simply uses the storm to lift it higher. In fact, it rises on the very winds that bring the storm.
Lois Evans
In January, the cold winds may blow, but within us burns the fire of resilience. Let us face any challenges with strength and courage.
Author Unknown
January Quotes
There's pleasure ...in the leaves that are stirring by the breath of the wind; but nowhere such pleasure as in words that are kind.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Words That Are Kind
Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.
Nicholas Sparks
Short Love Quotes
I had withdrawn in forest, and my song was swallowed up in leaves that blew alway
Robert Frost, A Dream Pang
Fire and Ice Poem

Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise.
Fleetwood Mac
Sunrise Quotes
When life sends us wind and storms how do we perform? Are we like the trees being flexible to some degree.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Storms of Life
Poems About Challenges
I love my umbrella, Like no other. It was a Christmas present from my Mother. The wind tries to make it fly. Will I be like Mary Poppins flying in the sky.
Darren Carter
Those who bring trouble on their families inherit the wind.
The fool will be a servant to the wise.
Proverbs 11:29 (NLT)
Motivational Quotes From The Bible
Oh, to be lost in the wind and the sun, to be one with the wind and the stream!
Hamlin Garland, Never A Thought In My Dream
Laughing, dancing, sunny wind, whistling, howling, rainy wind, north, south, east and west, Each is the wind I like the best.
Amy Lowell
You find out the strength of a wind by trying to walk against it, not by lying down.
C. S. Lewis
There's never a wind in all the sky but makes some bird's wing fleeter
Unknown, Small Sweet Ways
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