99 Wisdom Quotes
In life, we can all use as much wisdom as we can get. Let these short wisdom quotes give you thoughts to consider as to what wisdom is and how to apply it in your life.
You may also be encouraged by our collection of wisdom poems.
Quotes -
To learn is more essential than the knowing, to know is deeper than the wisdom found.
Unknown, To Try Is Better
Inspirational Poems
Go forward, press onward: Oh, live not in vain! There's wisdom, and honor, and glory to gain.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Onward, Never Say Fail
Poems Of Encouragement
Read the Bible - love the Bible - weary pilgrims, guileless youth; listen to its sweet instructions, words of wisdom, power, and truth
Daniel C. Colesworthy
Christian Poems
In aging, we find wisdom's steady grace, a chance to cherish life's enduring embrace.
Catherine Pulsifer, No Need For Sadness
But time is callous, wishes, myth, yet God in all his wisdom, has given us another chance before we join his kingdom.
Unknown, Granted A Wish
Knowledge is a valuable treasure that leads to wisdom and a life with less strife.
Catherine Pulsifer, Knowledge Through Reading
Poems About Knowledge
The Bible gives us wisdom and direction on how to pick our friends and how to treat our friends!
Catherine Pulsifer
Though wrinkles are signs of wisdom's call, I know to make the most of life, of it all!
Catherine Pulsifer, Time Keeps Moving On
Funny Poems About Life
Birthdays bring wisdom, for with each passing year we gain more insight into the world and ourselves.
Catherine Pulsifer
Birthday Poems
Optimism fills the air as doors swing wide, wisdom the library does provide.
Catherine Pulsifer, Knowledge To Share
Poems About Libraries
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Wisdom reflects and ask forgiveness, kind words never die.
J.J. Thorne, Kind Words Never Die
In the pursuit of justice, let us remember that true wisdom comes from seeing beyond appearances and refraining from passing hasty judgments.
Author Unknown
Failure, a teacher with lessons grand. Look for the wisdom, learn all you can and then move forward with a revised plan.
Catherine Pulsifer, Look For The Lessons
Poems About Learning
Read someone's life story told, biographies whisper wisdom bold.
Catherine Pulsifer, Reading A Life Story
Poems About Reading
Parents as beacons, shining so bright, guiding with wisdom, a constant light.
Catherine Pulsifer, Within The Family's Embrace
To the heart of love and eye of wisdom, good is the benevolent man
J. J. Thorne, Give A Helping Hand
The best thing about being a senior is we have wisdom from the experiences of life.
Catherine Pulsifer
Where there is no vision, there is no hope.
George Washington Carver
The wisdom that you possess, inspires us more than a bit.
Catherine Pulsifer, Seventry Years Of Life
May God's wisdom guide you, in all your decisions and may His grace sustain you, through all life's divisions.
Catherine Pulsifer, God With You
Graduation Christian Poems
In the crowded halls of knowledge, where wisdom dwells,
Where minds ignite with sparks that last with glee,
Catherine Pulsifer, Where Wisdom Dwells
Poems About Education
Grandpa - You bring inspiration, love, and cheer - your wisdom we all hold so dear.
Catherine Pulsifer, Cheers To You Grandpa
God is wiser far than we, and He knoweth what is best
John Imrie, A Birthday Greeting
In every experience, no matter the age grow wiser and accept what you know.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Lessons
Poems On Life Lessons

Build, then, wisely for tomorrow: with today thy work is done
C. W. Naylor, Life
Poems About Life
You are older but wiser, your like a good wine - you know what you want and that is just fine!
Catherine Pulsifer, Another Birthday
Funny Birthday Poems
What I do today will affect me tomorrow; I will try to act wisely and not be hollow.
Catherine Pulsifer, Future Unknown
With aging comes great wisdom
Julie Hebert, Old Age
Yet mother's sage whisper echoes a timeless refrain. Don't wish your life away, she gently imparts
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Wish Your Life Away
Grow wiser with every battle lost, and success you will finally cross.
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Be Discouraged
Poems About Defeat
Always...be wise enough to know that you do not know everything.
Unknown, Always Be
The future brings new dreams and hope - the wisdom you shared will help me cope.
Catherine Pulsifer, I Have To Say
Wisdom you have given to me to help me be the best I can be
Catherine Pulsifer, Blessed To Have You
A dad is wisdom, a voice of reason, guiding us through each changing season.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Dad Is A Superhero
Take advantage of those with wisdom galore, gain confidence by doing and asking more!
Catherine Pulsifer, Asking More
O my Lord, Open my heart, to envision the path, the path that you selected for me
Oliver Powell, Prayer: The 100 Most Powerful Morning Prayers Every Christian Needs To Know
Having a positive attitude can help you be wise, even from our sorrows, new courage can arise.
Catherine Pulsifer, Time Flys By
A garden is an analogy to life, it teaches wisdom, far beyond strife.
Catherine Pulsifer, Garden An Analogy To Life
Therefore, wise people don't wait and procrastinate, make every second count, now before it's too late.
Catherine Pulsifer, Make Every Second Count
Life, sometimes so wearying is worth its weight in gold the experience of traveling lends a wisdom that is old
John McLeod, It's The Journey That's Important
Be quiet; don't murmur: work fairly and slow, and daily in wisdom and power you'll grow
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Be Quiet
A peasant that reads is a prince in waiting.
Walter Mosley
Quotes about Reading
And then the big 60 arrives and we realize that we survived. We have much more wisdom now. We can see and understand how
Catherine Pulsifer, The Decades to 60
We cherish your wisdom and strength each day, as your guidance guides us on our way
Catherine Pulsifer, A Tribute Of Praise
Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.
St. Francis of Assisi
But middle age can bring....You may feel your half way there your wisdom you start to share.
Catherine Pulsifer, Middle Age
Your lessons and wisdom will remain as we journey on our own domain
Catherine Pulsifer, You're Number 1
Goodbye Poems For A Teacher
Better to be a little wise than in knowledge to abound
George McDonald, Better Things
Optimistic Poems
Since the more that you worry the worse you must feel, is it wisdom to worry at all?
Ripley D. Sauders, Don't Worry
Motivational Poems
A wise man's mind, as Seneca holds, is like the state of the world above the Moon, ever serene.
Robert Burton
May you have wisdom for all your problems, and help in every time of need
C. B. Baird, May This Christmas
Turning 40 brings wisdom they say, but let’s not forget the perks that come our way.
Catherine Pulsifer, Turning 40
It is not only a part of the wisdom of happiness, but it is absolutely essential to the conditions of any true work in the world, to so live that one may not be too greatly affected by the attitude of other people.
Lilian Whiting

We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success
Samuel Smiles, Learn Wisdom
Graduation Poems
You gave me wisdom and shaped my desire, inspiring me to reach ever higher.
Catherine Pulsifer, My Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation Poem
My grandmother's wisdom has been an inspiration for me, teaching me that life is an incredible journey if you take the time to appreciate it.
Catherine Pulsifer
For birthdays come and go so quickly, bringing us more wisdom each time.
Catherine Pulsifer, Only Yesterday...
True wisdom will produce a good life full of good deeds done in deep humility.
Carole Lewis
Son, remember one year older brings wisdom they say!
Kate Summers, Wisdom They Say
I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.
Abraham Lincoln
Wisdom is having things right in your life and knowing why.
William Stafford
Encouragement Quotes
Wherever wind visits, there it freshens the air; wherever wisdom visits, there it freshens the mind!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
Grandparents bestow upon their grandchildren the strength and wisdom that time and experience have given them.
Unknown, Grandparents Bestow
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the thing which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.
Grandpa....he knew so much, so full of wisdom
Catherine Pulsifer, An Example
An ocean which thinks there is nothing to learn from a lake is not a wise ocean!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Poems have a way of sharing wisdom that can help us, it may be a verse or a line that sticks with us and we can recall just when we need a reminder!
Catherine Pulsifer
Heros in our life...full of encouragement, and wisdom too. They bring a smile when we are blue.
Catherine Pulsifer, My Hero
Wisdom which is only theoretical and never put into practise is like a double rose; its color and its perfume are delightful, but it withers away and leaves no seed.
Water is the only drink for a wise man.
Henry David Thoreau
Pray for wisdom and peace of mind and you will find everything else will fall in line in your life.
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandma, you are wise and guide me - your encouragement gives me a better way to see.
Catherine Pulsifer, Grandma, My Treasure
While you can let the wisdom of others influence your choices, don't be influenced by peer pressure or by following the crowd - you know in your heart what choices you should and should not make.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Choices

Books are keys to wisdom's treasure
Emilie Poulsson, Books Are
Poems About Books
We pray for wisdom, we pray for peace, we pray that war and hatred would cease.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Coming Year
Allowing time its due shows wisdom beyond capacity, and in patience learned here lies life's modesty.
Catherine Pulsifer, Time Passes
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Proverbs 13:26
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
The mind, when imbued with the lessons of wisdom, is like a charioteer; for it restrains the desires implanted in us, and brings us back to virtue.
Perverted temper kindles the tongue. Ambition leads to a fight or fray; but bravery is caution, wisdom reflects and makes no trouble to pay.
J. J. Thorne
My brother, you are the one who is always there, you give me your wisdom and show that you care.
Catherine Pulsifer, What Would I Do
All our wisdom is stored in the trees.
Santosh Kalwar
Adversity is fortune's school, its lessons fill the air; there's wisdom in the babbling brooks and uplifts everywhere.
Stillman F. Kneeland, Uplifts
Authority without wisdom is like an axe without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish.
Anne Bradstreet
Let the beauty of age and the wisdom of time be a joy to your heart, and then share it with mine.
Greta Zwaan, Age Is Beauty
Some glad, bright day we'll see the wisdom of the Hand that shapes life's path for you and me.
C. C. Hassler, Life's Lessons In the Flowers
Life Lessons Quotes

Poems contain much wisdom written from experiences that are true.
Catherine Pulsifer, Poetry Can
Literacy is the light that illuminates the path to wisdom's door.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Literacy
Hear my words of wisdom, listen close and true - focus on the positive for it will carry you.
Catherine Pulsifer, Words of Wisdom
Many persons might have attained to wisdom had they not assumed that they already possessed it.
Passion rudely attempts the tongue, but wisdom prevails and makes it meek; think twice with careful thought
J. J. Thorne
God's will is the intersection of His wisdom and our surrender.
Lysa TerKeurst
Many persons might have attained to wisdom had they not assumed that they already possessed it.
It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.
Sara Teasdale
Wisdom is like electricity. There is no permanently wise man, but men capable of wisdom, who, being put into certain company, or other favorable conditions, become wise for a short time, as glasses rubbed acquire electric power for a while.
Through literacy, wisdom's echoes resonate across the corridors of understanding.
Author Unknown
Quotes About Literacy
On life journey when we learn from our mistakes we gain wisdom.
Catherine Pulsifer
Life Journey Quotes
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