16 Poems About Anger
Let these short poems about anger remind you that while you may be feeling angry it is always better to calm down before saying anything or taking action. Anger never solves any issues,
if anything being mad and flying into
a rage makes things worse!
May these poems remind you to let your anger go.
Short Poems & Quotes /
Poems Of Encouragement
Poems About Anger
Govern the Temper
Poet: J. J. Thorne
Hold your temper for self sake.
This is the prudent way:
Often when it is not controlled,
It hands the body down to the clay,
When passions condemn our feeble hearts,
And conscience asks the mind to obey;
We find our selves vain and defiled.
And in sin have gone astray.
Temper governed and tongues withheld,
Keeps peace day by day;
When the body discharges the violence of temper,
Friendship tears away.
Eternity is for ever and ever,
Life is only a short stay;
If we control our tongues and temper,
The less we will account for judgment day.
By holding the temper we learn
A pleasant and prudent way;
Temper held dliscloses the bloom of life,
With a fragrant savor that never will decay.
Perverted temper kindles the tongue
Ambition leads to a fight or fray;
But bravery is caution, wisdom reflects.
And makes no trouble to pay.
The best we can do we cannot avoid,
And drive all temper away;
But thought and meditation will help to restrain.
And finally peace and comfort will pay.
Poems about Peace
Realm Of Anger
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the realm of anger's flame,
Love's triumph finds its noble aim.
When fury burns, and tempers rise,
Love's gentle hand will harmonize.
Oh, anger, fierce and wild,
How often you've beguiled,
With promises of vindication,
But lead only to desolation.
When anger rears its ugly head,
Love whispers peace instead.
For love, a balm to wounded hearts,
Can quench the fire anger imparts.
Through love's embrace, we find release,
From the grip of anger's ceaseless lease.
For anger's path leads to naught but despair,
While love's journey offers solace rare.
The Deeds Of Anger
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
I used to lose my temper an' git mad an' tear around
An' raise my voice so wimmin folks would tremble at the sound;
I'd do things I was ashamed of when the fit of rage had passed,
An' wish I hadn't done 'em, an' regret 'em to the last;
But I've learned from sad experience how useless is regret,
For the mean things done in anger are the things you can't forget.
Now I think I've learned my lesson an' I'm treadin' gentler ways,
An' I try to build my mornings into happy yesterdays;
I don't let my temper spoil 'em in the way I used to do
An' let some splash of anger smear the record when it's through;
I want my memories pleasant, free from shame or vain regret,
Without any deeds of anger which I never can forget.
Poems on Life Lessons
Anger's Storm
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Anger, a tempest in the soul,
A force that takes its heavy toll.
But love, a gentle guiding light,
Has the power to set things right.
When anger's storm clouds gather near,
Love gently whispers, "Do not fear."
For anger, though it promises control,
Leads only to a tormented soul.
Through love's lens, anger fades,
Revealing peace in its cascades.
While anger rages, love withstands,
Its power eternal, ever expanding.
So let us conquer anger's might,
With love as our guiding light.
For anger's path leads us astray,
While love's path paves a brighter way.
Best Advice
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2011
The best advice I ever received
Advice that has stuck with me
It deals with how I should be.
Read James 1:19 and you will see.
You will find wisdom in the words
Which will move your life forward
If you follow the advice
You won't have to think twice.
If we just practiced these three things
Peace to the world it would bring
The happiness we would find
The words of the Bible there is no other kind!
You will be calm and less angry
To put into practice they are easy.
Open your mind and don't screen
Here are the words from James 1:19:
"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters:
You must all be quick to listen,
slow to speak,
and slow to get angry."
James 1:19
Poems about The Bible
I'm So Mad I Could Scream
Poet: William Cole
I'm so mad I could scream,
I'm so mad I could spit,
Turn over a table,
Run off in a snit!
I'm so mad I could yell,
I could tear out my hair,
Throw a rock through a window,
Or wrestle a bear!
On thinking it over
I will not leave home
But I'll put all my anger
Right here in this poem.
I'm feeling much better -
Like peaches and cream -
For a poem is the best way
Of letting off steam!
Sometimes being angry a smile or reading some funny poems can help relieve
some of the anger you feel.
angry quotes to encourage you
When Things Won't Work
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2011
I have to say,
It makes me angry,
When things don't go,
The way they should be.
I expect so much,
From things and people.
And when things go poorly,
I feel so ungleeful.
My temper gets hot,
And I don't know what to do.
I just wish someday,
These things would pull through.
But I have to stay calm,
And roll up my sleeves.
Maybe some direction,
Is all that I need.
Anger Is
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2020
Anger is a thing that brings
Negative and sad things
Find a way to control your feeling
Don't let it send you reeling.
Anger is an emotion
That can be compared to an explosion
But it doesn't have to be that way
If you control it and keep it at bay.
Anger can hurt and it can harm
When you feel it is reason for alarm
Go for a walk, just cool off
Then sit down and have a talk.
When you don't give in to it
When you don't throw a fit
You will find control you will have
And for that, you'll be glad.
Guard Thy Lips
Poet: Lillian E. Curtis
Oh, when harsh and hasty words arises
And clouds of vexation dim the eyes,
And anger begins to settle down.
And the face puts on a sullen frown;
When wrathful thoughts rush quickly up,
Oh, dash aside the poisoned cup.
And guard thy lips!
Guard them, lest, in an unguarded hour,
They should utter, beyond thy power,
Words to wound some loving heart,
Perhaps, a lasting scar impart;
Inevitable words when once they're spoken.
Nothing can heal the heart they've broken.
Then, guard thy lips!
Let It Pass
Poet: Unknown
Be not swift to take offence;
Let it pass!
Anger is a foe to sense;
Let it pass!
Brood not darkly o’er a wrong
Which will disappear erelong;
Bather sing this cheery song-
Let it pass!
Strife corrodes the purest mind;
Let it pass!
As the unregarded wind,
Let it pass!
Any vulgar souls that live
May condemn without reprieve;
’Tis the noble who forgive;
Let it pass!
Echo not an angry word;
Let it pass!
Think how often you have erred;
Let it pass!
Since our joys must pass away,
Like the dew-drops on the spray,
Wherefore should our sorrows stay?
Let it pass!

This Too Shall Pass Poems
Words And Tones
Poet: Unknown
It is not so what you say,
As the manner in which you say it;
It is not so much the language you use,
As the tones in which you convey it.
The words may be mild and fair,
And the tones may pierce like a dart;
The words may be soft as the summer air,
And the tones may break the heart.
For words come from the mind,
And grow by study and art;
But the tones leap forth from the inner self,
And reveal the state of the heart.
Whether you know it or not -
Whether you mean or care -
Gentleness, kindness, love and hate,
Envy and anger are there.
Then would you quarrels avoid,
And in peace and love rejoice
Keep anger not only out of your words,
But keep it out of your voice.
Solves Not A Thing
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Anger solves not a thing
Frustration is what it brings.
Resolve the issue don't stay mad
Let it go, don't be sad.
If you want your blood pressure to rise
Staying angry is not wise.
Take a deep breath, let it go
Never let your anger show.
Anger usually hurts you too
Move beyond, your days are too few.
Focus on the happy things in life
Don't let anger cause you strife.
You may not be happy about something
You may feel like there is a violation
But that feeling of anger will hurt you more
Let it go, close the door.
Letting Go Poem
Angry Words
Poet: Unknown
Angry words! O let them never
From the tongue unbridled slip;
May the heart's best impulse ever
Check them, e'er they soil the lip.
Love is much too pure and holy,
Friendship is too sacred far,
For a moment's reckless folly
Thus to desolate and mar.
Angry words are lightly spoken,
Bitterest thoughts are rashly stirred;
Brightest links of life are broken
By a single angry word.

Poems About Conflict
Poet: John George Fleet
Words are things of little cost,
Quickly spoken, quickly lost;
We forget them, but they stand
Witnesses at God's right hand,
And their testimony bear
For us, or against us, there.
Oh, how words often ours have been
Idle words, and words of sin;
Words of anger, scorn, and pride,
Or desire our faults to hide;
Envious tales, or strife unkind,
Leaving bitter thoughts behind.
Grant us, Lord, from day to day,
Strength to watch and grace to pray
May our lips, from sin set free,
Love to speak and sing of thee,
Till in heaven we learn to raise
Hymns of everlasting praise.

Words To Live By
A Soft Answer
Poet: Unknown
When thy heart is sad and heavy,
When thy life is all misread.
Give not anger for injustice,
Give a gentle word instead.
When another's heart is hardened.
Say not "It is naught to me!"
Do thy best to heal the mischief.
Lest the sin should rest on thee.
Never speak in bitter scorning,
Seeking any heart to pain;
As the seed is, so the blossom,
And the curse comes back again.
Before The Sun Goes Down
Poet: Unknown
Has anger any place today
In heart and mind?
Has malice prompted you to say
What was not kind?
See how the sun is shining bright
In heaven above;
Oh, let him not go down tonight
On aught but love!
Have you been wronged in any way,
And so are cross?
Has some one injured you today,
And caused you loss?
The golden sun is sinking fast
'Twill soon be night!
Forgive, and let your wrath be cast
Far out of sight!
What? some one else was in the wrong,
And his the debt?
Well, never mind; show you are strong,
And can forget.
Look you how quickly fades the light;
It will not wait!
Quick, ere the sun goes down tonight,
And 'tis too late!
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We hope these poems help you realize that being angry brings no rewards. And, sometimes it is only you who is suffering as the person you are angry with is not even aware of your feelings. May these poems
encourage you to resolve any conflicts that you may have before anger gets to the boiling point.
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