Inspirational Friendship Poems
Let these inspirational friendship poems give you expressions of friendship. Short poems with words that express the meaning of friendship to share with your friends.
Friendships play an important role in our life. They are important in the good times, and
many times more important in the tough times. Unlike family, we pick our friends and they
then become like family.
We hope the poems here inspire you to tell your friends how much you appreciate them.
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Friendship Poems
Inspirational Friendship Poems
- Friendship Through Tough Times
Julie Hebert, © 2015
When times get tough,
And you don't know what to do.
Remember your friends,
Who will stay true to you.
For friends aren't like family,
They are someone you choose.
They love you not because they have to,
But because they want to.
So look to your friends,
For their support.
They might not know everything,
But should be a comfort.
When times get tough,
And you don't know what to do.
Remember you're loved,
And that should help you!
A sign of a true friend is when times are tough. Read more thoughts of what a true friend is in a true friend poem
more meaningful friendship quotes
The Tree of Friendship
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2015
Friends are similar to a tree
Branching out
But throughout our life
There are those
Who stay and
Make a difference
In all our lives.
Their roots are forever
In our lives
They influence
And support us
No matter what
The situation.
They are a blessing
and a gift
sent from up above!

Friends are Blessings
A Friend
Poet: Lillian E Curtis
'Tis well to feel there's one somewhere,
As with life's struggles we contend,
Who can our joys and sorrows share,
Whom we may call a friend.
Eagerly we open the message white,
That its way to us doth wend,
And read, with hearts so gay, so light,
The signature of a friend.
What joy the fact when it cometh first,
What rapture doth it lend,
When the truth upon us burst,
That we've a new-found friend.

love and friendship poems
To My Friend
Poet: Maria J. Dodge
I pray that from life's tangled thread
You may weave a pure and spotless web;
That in your youth you may strive to please
The living God, — 'twill give you peace.
For if in ways of sin you go,
That'll give to you deep pangs of woe;
But faith will lead from darkest gloom,
To where the fadeless flowers bloom.
For if to Him you freely come,
Receive the precious words, "Well done,"
Your heart will evermore rejoice
That Jesus was your early choice.
We have much to be thankful for. And prayers for our friends is a way of showing our love for them.
You may find a prayer for a friend in our collection of short prayers
We Have Been Friends Together
Poet: Caroline Elizabeth Norton
We have been friends together
In sunshine and in shade,
Since first beneath the chestnut-tree
In infancy we played.
But coldness dwells within thy heart,
A cloud is on thy brow;
We have been friends together,
Shall a light word part us now?
We have been gay together;
We have laughed at little jests;
For the fount of hope was gushing
Warm and joyous in our breasts,
But laughter now hath fled thy lip,
And sullen glooms thy brow;
We have been gay together,
Shall a light word part us now?
We have been sad together;
We have wept with bitter tears
O'er the grass-grown graves where slumbered
The hopes of early years.
The voices which were silent then
Would bid thee cheer thy brow;
We have been sad together,
Shall a light word part us now?

Best Friend Poem
Friendship, Love, And Truth
Poet: Unknown
Friendship doth bind, with pleasant ties,
The heart of man to man, and age
But strengthens it - it never dies
Till finished is life's final page.
Love is the sacred link which binds
Hearts joined by friendship firmer still;
Who once has felt it, in it finds
Joys which his soul with pleasure fill.
Truth only can complete the chain,
Its links enduring strength can give;
With this unbroken 'twill remain
While e'er the human soul shall live.

Poems about Life and Love
A Good World
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
It's a good old world we're livin' in
With all its pain an' sorrow;
A world where friends are givin' in
To cheer us till tomorrow.
A world where folks come forward, when
They see our feet are slippin'
To help us till we come again
To where the honey's drippin'.
I reckon that we'd never know
How kind an' good our friends are
If trouble's face should never show
Off yonder where the bends are.
If sudden-like there never came
A rain to drench a feller
We'd miss the friend who made us claim
A share of his umnbreller.
If never came to us a woe
That seemed we couldn't bear it,
We'd never positively know
Which friend would rush to share it.
We'd miss a heap of sweetness, too.
That we could never borrow,
A sweetness no one ever knew,
Save it was bom of sorrow.
This thought old care has driven in,
An' grief an' trouble taught me,
It's a good old world we're livin' in
Despite the woes it's brought me.
For had I never shed a tear.
Nor known what sorrow's rends are,
I never would have learned down here
How kind an' good my friends are.
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