9 Actions Speak Louder Than Words Poems
We have all heard the saying that actions speak louder than words. Let these short poems encourage you and remind you of how true this is.
We all know people who can speak well but the people who get things done are those who know how to stop talking and start taking
action. Your best example is not your words, but your actions. So speak but then put actions behind those words.
If you are trying to influence someone to do something or act in a certain way then your actions will speak much louder than any words. When you mentor
someone, always remember, how you act will influence them more than what you say. Never underestimate the power of your actions.
As Israelmore Ayivor has said, "Thoughts do more. Words do much. Actions do much more. "Take action, share these, actions speak louder than words, share these
poems with others.
Short Poems & Quotes /
Poems of Encouragement
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Poems
What Speaks Louder
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In words, we clothe our thoughts, deep and true,
But what speaks louder? Deeds that we pursue.
For noble virtues, mere talk shall never do,
Mere promises have no power to imbue.
Actions forge the path where trust converges,
Revealing souls beyond linguistic surges.
In righteousness and grace, let our essence glow,
For actions speak volumes, louder than we know.
Motivational Poems
Through Gentle Actions
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In humble plea, I softly speak,
Let actions guide the path we seek.
For words, though well-intentioned true,
Can falter and misunderstandings brew.
But let our deeds create a tale,
Shining light where doubts prevail.
Through gentle actions, let us show,
The way to kindness others may follow.
Conduct Kills The Charge
Poet: J. J. Thorne
If duty mark our foot prints,
And honor we live by;
Then if charges made against us.
Conduct proves it a lie.
If through gratitude we are true,
We will help distresses' cry;
Then if charges made against us,
Conduct proves it a lie.
When deeds have evinced a noble heart,
Other tongues cannot deny;
Then if charges made against us,
Conduct proves it a lie.
If the key of harmony we keep with zeal,
And invading malice we defy;
Then if charges made against us,
Conduct proves it a lie.
If we hoist our sail for duty's shore,
And never anchor to the please vanity's eye;
Then if charges made against us,
Conduct proves it a lie.
If we live devout and respect each other,
No lie or charge will brake the tie:
Peace and good will toward each other,
Our fate above a lie.
Words Without Actions
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
What good are words,
If there is no action.
Action is needed,
For satisfaction.
People can say,
As much as they want.
But unless they take charge
There's no reason to take part.
So next time someone is going on and on,
About something they are going to do,
Challenge them to stop talking,
And make their dreams come true.
And next time you,
Have an incredible idea,
Don't just think about it,
Make it a reality.

Poems About Dreams
One Thing To Talk And Another To Do
Poet: Lillian E Curtis
Oh, 'tis easy to talk, and for words to float out,
As birds flit along on swift flying wings,
Brave, heroic deeds we can talk all about,
But to talk, and to do, are two different things.
Promises are made, and in firm words spoken,
But question how long will they last?
While one promise is made, two may be broken,
For they are not with meditation o'ercast.
Promises were well, but they're easily made,
Bright hopes for awhile they may strew,
But when fair castles fail, and bright seasons fade,
We see 'twere easier to talk, than to do.
Then cheer not the heart with a promise that's brittle,
For the sake of a sound that is fine,
Better than much, is the sure promised little,
That comes in the opportune time.
T'were better to not build the bright castle at all,
Than build on a promise that must soon slip thro,'
Than to see the phantom structure suddenly fall,
For, 'tis one thing to talk, and another to do.

I'd Rather See A Sermon
Enough Thinking
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2011
Of all the time,
I sit here thinking,
I often wonder,
What's out there waiting.
Is my time spent,
Too much thinking?
Maybe I should,
Stop thinking and doing.
It's time for me,
To make my dreams happen.
I've done enough thinking,
It's time to take action.
So here I go to make,
My dreams into goals.
I can't wait to see,
Where my life will now lead.
Action Quotes
Make Today Your Day
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
Today is the day, life changes your way,
You'll get out of bed and smile.
It'll take some work, and lots of perks,
But it will be all worthwhile.
How different you'll be, so happy you'll see,
To see life in a different way.
No more negative ways, only lots of good praise,
From those who will see you today.
This choice is yours, and will only be yours,
It's up to you to commit.
At first, it may seem hard, but soon will be jarred,
And your life will have benefit.
Never look back, to what was of lack,
As life for you has drastically changed.
You now just look forward, and only straightforward,
Take action so your life is arranged.
A New Day Poem
Words Are Many
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Words are many and easy to say
But what matters most is what you do today.
We can all talk and talk
But what matters most is what we walk.
Words mean nothing,
Without action they bring
Dreams that don't come true
Because people don't follow through.
So always remember that action
Is the secret to fulfilling your passion.
So, for success in life, talk a little
But with action success will triple.
Success Poem
Little Things Of Life
by Author Unknown
Why is it that we so easily forget
That the little things of life are
What makes it easy or hard?
A few pleasant words, a warm handclasp,
A cordial letter, are simple things, but
They are mighty in their influence on the lives of those about us,
Adding a ray of hope to many disconsolate hearts,
Giving a bit of courage to disappointed, weary ones,
And helping to make our own lives sweeter at the same time.
Few people realize how much the little attentions of
Everyday life means to their associates in the home,
The church, the business place.
Remember that the little things in life,
Whether good or bad,
Count for more with those who love than we ever know,
And we should be watchful of our actions and our words.
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We hope these poems give you verses to reflect upon the next time you hear yourself talking rather than taking action. The saying, actions speak louder than words, contains much wisdom. So we encourage you to put your words into action and you
will see a difference in your day!
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