Words Have Power Quotes
This page highlights inspiring quotes showcasing the positive and lasting power of words.

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Words Have Power Quotes
Updated January 29, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Never underestimate the power of your words. What you say can lift someone up or tear them down, and often, it happens without you even realizing it. This collection of quotes reminds us that words are more than just sounds or letters—they’re tools we can use to create positive change or cause regret.
Kind words can heal, bring comfort, and encourage growth, while harsh ones can leave scars. Let this page inspire you to choose your words carefully and always speak from a place of kindness. Whether you're offering encouragement, sharing wisdom, or mending a broken bridge, remember—your words can make all the difference.
Give words, kind words, to those who err; remorse doth need a comforter.
Mrs. Sigourney, Give Words
Then deem it not an idle thing a pleasant word to speak; the face you wear, the thoughts you bring, a heart may heal or break.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, A Word
You see words make a difference they can mean rejection or acceptance.
Catherine Pulsifer, Words Make A Difference
Loving words will cost but little, journeying up the hill of life
M. T., Loving Words
Oh, the power of words, how they enchant! Capable of both hurt and embrace, criticism's sting or encouragement's embrace.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Power Of Words
It is the pleasant word, the hearty word, that helps
Unknown, The Pleasant Word
You may not see the impact that your words can make in another person's life. But you can have a positive impact by the words you use. You can see
reflections on how you can impact others in our collection of make a difference quotes. Yes, something
as small as the words we choose can make a difference.
Words like music can be a source of inspiration for us!
Catherine Pulsifer
Keep watch of your words, my darlings, for words are wonderful things
Unknown, Watch Your Words
Evil words cut worse than swords. Kind words bring back kind echoes.
Author Unknown, Kind Words
Whisper words of hope and comfort; give, and thy reward shall be joy unto thy soul returning
Unknown, Live For Something
Little words of love, help to make earth happy like the heaven above.
Julie Fletcher Carney, Little Things
My words can cheer, my words can bless, and bring someone new happiness.
Unknown, My Words
Inevitable words when once they're spoken. Nothing can heal the heart they've broken.
Lillian E. Curtis, Guard Thy Lips
Echo not an angry word; let it pass!
Unknown, Let It Pass
Looking back and saying "what if" or "we might have done" changes nothing. We can't go back and change our words or our actions. Read these if poems and let them
inspire you to live today and look forward not back.
Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry.
Joyce Meyer
The words may be mild and fair, and the tones may pierce like a dart; the words may be soft as the summer air, and the tones may break the heart.
Unknown, Words and Tones
Oh, how words often ours have been idle words, and words of sin; words of anger, scorn, and pride, or desire our faults to hide; envious tales, or strife unkind, leaving bitter thoughts behind.
John George Fleet, Words
Give not anger for injustice, give a gentle word instead.
Unknown, A Soft Answer
In the little sphere we move, let kindness touch the heart; while every word shall lead to love and happiness impart.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Let Us Do Good
Angry words can do so much damage in a matter of seconds. When you are feeling angry pay attention to your words. Don't say something that you will later regret. Be encouraged by our
collection of angry quotes, let these quotes encourage you to think twice before speaking in anger.
A word of cheer upon your lips, a ready hand to give.....will help you well to live.
Grenville Kleiser, Road To Happiness
Never think words do not matter. What we say and sometimes more importantly how we say it can improve a situation or it can destroy a situation.
Catherine Pulsifer
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
Audrey Hepburn
Kind words are such a blessing to the needful, if one but knew the pleasure that they bring
John McLeod, Kind Words
I'm sorry for the things I said the words I said, now I dread please forgive me, this I ask
Catherine Pulsifer, Looking Back
Your best example is not your words, but your actions. So speak but then put actions behind those words.
Catherine Pulsifer
Harsh and imprudent words, make many devoted cry. Let our speech be kind and gentle kind words never die.
J. J. Thorne, Kind Words Never Die
Oh, all of us sometimes blurt out words that we wish we could take back. Words that we have said, we wish we could reverse. We offer a collection of
regret quotes that
reinforce this quote.
The three simple words that make such an impact I am sorry, they can change everything, that is a fact.
Catherine Pulsifer, Three Simple Words
Empower others with your words and their own inner strength too
Catherine Pulsifer, Help Build Confidence In Others
One little word can change our life completely, and make our days as if of honey sweet
William Brunton, One Little Word
In careless words we riot, and life would be sore if tongues would but be quiet, and the heart say more.
Walt Mason, Seeds of Kindness
Let me no wrong or idle word unthinkingly say.
Samuel Wilberforce, Just For To-Day
... illuminate, grow, steady, run, light, recharge, strong, vitality, engagement, present, discerning, happy, incandescent, yes, flow, curiosity, change, meet, reliability, spontaneity, pleasure, simplicity … These words contain potential.
Mina Samuels
A smile may lighten a falling heart, a word may soften pain's keenest smart...how easily each is given!
Unknown, Easily Given
When we verbalize or think in terms of defeat we are discouraging ourselves. Keep thinking positively and moving ahead. Don't dwell on the defeat, don't talk defeat, pick yourself up, learn what didn't work,
and move forward. Be encouraged also by these poems about defeat, which offer suggestions on what to do when you feel defeated.
Something each day - a word. We cannot know its power; it grows in fruitfulness as grows the gentle shower.
Walt Mason, Seeds of Kindness
Each thought that we think, each word that we say affects our tomorrows in some strange way.
William Arthur Ward, The Choices
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