27 Poems About Worry

Poems about worry inspire letting go of fear, embracing peace, and resilience.

Release your worries; embrace peace and resilience, for tomorrow holds new light

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Updated March 3, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

We all face times when worry weighs us down, filling our minds with thoughts of "what if." But worrying does little more than steal our joy, making today feel heavier than it needs to be.

The poems on this page are here to remind you that worry doesn’t have to take control. Through simple words and heartfelt messages, they offer encouragement to let go of fear, focus on what you can change, and find the strength to keep moving forward.

So take a deep breath and read through these poems. Let their words bring you comfort, remind you of life’s blessings, and help you see that worry is just a passing cloud—it doesn’t have to stay.

  1. Take It Easy

    Poet: Unknown

    Do not worry, do not fret,
    Time will pass and we'll forget
    All the problems of the present
    In a future far more pleasant.

    Grief will go and joy will come;
    For you and I life's just begun.
    A smile of joy, a sigh of bliss
    To be sure we'll never miss

    With our head held high,
    And keep our eyes opened wide,
    We'll go along, taking things in stride
    And never let our courage die!

  2. The Weight of Worry

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worry takes our joy away,
    It clouds the gift of each new day.
    The "what ifs" pull our thoughts astray,
    While life's best moments slip away.

    Set that heavy burden down,
    Don't let it steal or make you frown.
    Replace it with a hopeful view,
    Each moment fresh, each morning new.

    Trust the path that lies ahead,
    Let faith and courage guide instead.
    For life is brighter, peace will stay,
    When we choose to let worry stray.

  3. For life is brighter, peace will stay, When we choose to let worry stray.

  4. Freedom from Worry

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Most worries never come to be,
    They're shadows cast we fail to see.
    Anxiety robs what we could gain,
    A fleeting fear, a needless chain.

    True peace is found in living today,
    Letting tomorrow unfold its way.
    Each moment's wealth is ours to keep,
    When trust runs deep, and fears retreat.

    Own the day, let troubles go,
    Life is richer than you know.
    A mind at ease, a heart that’s free,
    Is life’s true wealth—its greatest key.

  5. A Lighthearted Way

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    When worry knocks, don’t let it stay,
    Shift your thoughts a brighter way.
    A smile can turn the tide of fear,
    And make life’s challenges less severe.

    A little laughter, a gentle grin,
    Can spark the strength you hold within.
    Respond with hope, let go of doubt,
    And watch how joy can help you out.

    Life’s not as daunting as it seems,
    When you embrace your hopeful dreams.
    Face worry with a lighter heart,
    And see your peace and strength restart.

  6. Explore related content with poems about anxiety, stress, and inspiring worry quotes to find comfort, perspective, and encouragement for managing life's challenges.

    Poems About Anxiety

    Poems About Stress

    Worry Quotes

  7. Worry’s a Waste!

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    I used to worry night and day,
    About things that might go the wrong way.
    Would it rain? Would the sun still shine?
    Would my socks match all the time?

    I'd fret about a little sneeze,
    Convinced I had some strange disease.
    I'd check the locks not once but ten —
    Then go back and check again!

    My coffee's cold? Oh, what a scare!
    The world's gone mad—it's so unfair!
    Then I tripped but did not fall...
    Maybe life's not bad at all?

    One day I thought, "This is absurd,
    Worry’s just a nagging bird!"
    So I told it, "Fly away!"
    And laughed instead—I felt okay!

    Now when worry knocks on by,
    I just wink and wave goodbye.
    Life's too short for stress and fear,
    I choose to smile year after year!

  8. Life's too short for stress and fear, I choose to smile year after year!

  9. Why Worry?

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worry brings no joy or gain,
    It only adds to stress and strain.
    It fills our minds with needless fear,
    While life’s good moments disappear.

    If there’s a fix, then take that step,
    Resolve the problem, do your best.
    But if it’s out of your control,
    Let it go, and free your troubled soul.

    Worry adds no value, no cheer,
    It robs the peace that’s always near.
    Choose to act or let it be,
    And live your life more worry-free.

  10. Do Not Worry

    Poet: Charles F. Deems

    The world is wide
    In time and tide.
    And God is guide;
    Then do not hurry.
    That man is blest
    Who does his best
    And leaves the rest;
    Then do not worry.

  11. man is blest Who does his best
    A Life Well Lived Poem

  12. Shouldn't Worry So

    Poet: James Whitcomb Riley

    O heart of mine, we shouldn't
    Worry so!
    What we've missed of calm,
    We couldn't have you know!
    What we've met of stormy pain,
    And of sorrow's driving rain,
    We can better meet again,
    If it blow!

    For we know, not every morrow can be sad;
    So, forgetting all the sorrow
    We have had,
    Let us fold away our fears,
    And put by our childish tears,
    And through all the coming years,
    Just be glad.

  13. What's The Use

    Poet Unknown

    What's the use of always fretting
    At the trials we shall find
    Ever strewn along our pathway —
    Travel on, and never mind.

  14. The Captor Of Joy

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worry, the captor of joy so dear,
    Binds us tightly with unforgiving fear.
    A thief that steals tomorrow's light,
    Leaving today hidden in shadows, out of sight.

    For it clings to our minds like a relentless tide,
    Preventing happiness from walking by our side.
    But as we embrace fretting over what may be,
    We forget the sweet solace of living worry-free.

  15. Why Worry?

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worry creeps in, it takes a seat,
    Making life feel far from sweet.
    It spins our thoughts, it fills our mind,
    Leaving peace so hard to find.

    But tell me this — does worry pay?
    Does it change what comes your way?
    It steals your joy, it clouds your view,
    Yet never helps in what you do.

    If there’s a step that you can take,
    Then take it now — for your own sake!
    But if there’s nothing you can do,
    Then let it go, don’t let it stew.

    Some things in life are not our call,
    No need to stress or fear them all.
    So breathe in deep, then set it free,
    And live your life more happily!

  16. Not Work, But Worry

    Poet: Unknown

    It is not the work, but the worry.
    That wrinkles the smooth, fair face;
    That blends gray hair with the dusky
    And robs the form of its grace;
    That dims the luster and sparkle
    Of eyes that were once so bright.
    But now are heavy and troubled,
    With a weary, despondent light

  17. Read the complete poem, Not Work, But Worry

    Tis not the work, but the worry, That breaks the heart of man!
    Poems About Work

  18. He Is Rich

    by Ralph Waldo Emerson

    He only is rich who owns the day;
    And no one owns the day who
    Allows it to be invaded with
    Worry and fret and anxiety.

  19. In Worry's Grasp

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In worry's grasp, stress takes root,
    Anxiety thrives, a poisonous shoot.
    The burden heavy, the mind conforms,
    Neglecting health in these worrisome storms.

    Each breath tainted by endless strife,
    Marring wellness throughout the life.
    No solace found in worry's intrusion,
    Seek balance instead, free from illusion.

  20. Worry

    Poet: C. E. Lund

    We may as well attempt to remove
    The spots from off the sun,
    Or change the flow of ocean's tide,
    And stop its daily run,
    As worry over what is past,
    Or what is not begun.

  21. Never Happens

    by Sir John Lubbock

    We often distress ourselves greatly in the
    apprehension of misfortune which
    after all never happens at all.

    We should do our best, and wait calmly the result,
    We often hear of people breaking down from overwork;
    but in nine cases out of ten they are really
    suffering from worry or anxiety.

  22. Trapped by Worry's Wall

    Poet: Unknown

    So many die that have not lived at all;
    It is as though they journeyed through the years
    Upon a path hedged by a gloomy wall
    Of other people's little frets and fears.
    Beyond the wall the joyous fields stretch out
    And there are little paths to lure the feet,
    But duty framed by others of their doubt
    Has made them feel the by-paths are not meet....

    Read the complete poem, Trapped by Worry's Wall

  23. Laugh Away Worry

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worry comes to steal your day,
    But laughter helps it slip away.
    A little chuckle, a cheerful sound,
    Can turn your thinking all around.

    When troubles knock, don’t let them win,
    Face them with a hopeful grin.
    Laughter builds the strength you need,
    To handle life and still succeed.

    So smile wide, let worry go,
    You’re stronger than you even know.
    With joy and faith, you’ll rise above,
    And fill your days with hope and love.

  24. I Would Not Worry

    Poet: S. B. McManus

    I would not worry, if I were you;
    The days will come, and the days will go,
    And anon the sky will be gray or blue,
    And the earth be covered with flowers or snow,
    The sun will shine or the rain will fall,
    But God stands over and under all.....

    Read the complete poem, I Would Not Worry Poem

  25. The sun will shine or the rain will fall, But God stands over and under all.
    Poems About God

  26. Somehow Or Other

    Poet: Unknown

    Life has a burden for every man's shoulder,
    None may escape from its trouble and care;
    Miss it in youth and 'twill come when we're older,
    And fit us as close as the garments we wear.

    Sorrow comes into our lives uninvited,
    Robbing our hearts of their treasures of song;
    Lovers grow cold, and friendships are slighted,
    Yet somehow or other we worry along.

    Every-day toil is an every-day blessing,
    Though poverty's cottage and crust we may share;
    Weak is the back on which burdens are pressing,
    But stout is the heart that is strengthened by prayer.

    Somehow or other the pathway grows brighter
    Just when we mourn there were none to befriend;
    Hope in the heart makes the burdens seem lighter,
    And somehow or other we get to the end.

  27. Do Not Look For Trouble

    Poet: Mark G. Pearse

    Do not trouble trouble
    Till trouble troubles you.
    Do not look for trouble;
    Let trouble look for you.
    Do not borrow sorrow;
    You'll surely have your share.
    He who dreams of sorrow
    Will find that sorrow's there......

    Read the complete poem, Do Not Look For Trouble Poem

  28. do not trouble trouble Till trouble troubles you
    Poems About Trouble

  29. A Sovereign Remedy

    Poet: John Kendrick Bangs

    When, tossing on my couch at night,
    Old Worry comes my rest to ruin,
    I stare at him with all my might
    And tell him that "There's nothin' doin'."

    "I'm very busy now," I say.
    "To put you off fills me with sorrow;
    But you must come some other day
    Say ten o'clock, perhaps, tomorrow?"

    I find that by this style of chaffing
    It isn't long before I'm laughing
    And when he sees my smiling lips
    Why then, of course, old Worry skips.

  30. What's the use of always fretting
    Funny Poems About Life

  31. Worry’s Toll

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    It’s not the work that drags us low,
    But worry’s weight, and how it shows.
    It ties us up, it steals our rest,
    Leaving our hearts feeling stressed.

    Step back, breathe deep, and free your head,
    Don’t let those thoughts control your stead.
    Replace the strain with hope instead,
    And let your soul find peace instead.

  32. The Worry Table

    Poet: Unknown

    40% of worries fade,
    Disasters feared but never made.
    The past holds 30%, locked away,
    Decisions done, no change today.

    12% on illness dwell,
    Yet most stay healthy, strong, and well.
    10% on loved ones - friends and kin,
    A caring heart, where worries begin.

    The final 8%, with real foundation,
    Deserve our time and contemplation.
    But most of worry, truth be told,
    Is wasted thought we need not hold.

    Release the burden, free your mind,
    Trust each day, and peace you’ll find.

  33. Restless Heart

    Poet: Edith Willis Linn

    Dear restless heart, be still; don't fret and worry so;
    God hath a thousand ways His love and help to show.
    Just trust, and trust, and trust, until His will you know.

    Dear restless heart, be still; for peace is God's own smile;
    His love can every wrong and sorrow reconcile;
    Just love, and love, and love, and calmly wait a while.

    Dear restless heart, be brave; don't moan and sorrow so;
    He hath a meaning kind in chilly winds that blow;
    Just hope, and hope, and hope, until you braver grow.

    Dear restless heart, be still; don't struggle to be free;
    God's life is in your life, to Him you may not flee;
    Just pray, and pray, and pray, till you have faith to see.

  34. What’s the Use of Always Fretting

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    What’s the use of always fretting,
    Over things not worth the sweating?
    Worry’s like a rocking chair,
    It moves a lot, but gets nowhere!

    If the sky should fall today,
    Would stressing chase the clouds away?
    No need to fret, no need to fear,
    Just grab some coffee, and chill, my dear!

  35. Let Go of W.O.R.R.Y.

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Worry steals the joy you own,
    Overthinking leaves you all alone.
    Reflect instead on what is right,
    Release your fears and find the light.
    You have today—so make it bright!

the key point is:   92% of worries are unnecessary, focusing on events that never happen, the unchangeable past, or unlikely scenarios, while only 8% of worries are based on real concerns.

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