96 Worship Quotes
Be inspired by these worship quotes. Worship speak to the heart of what it means to be heartfelt in glorious praises to Almighty God. Worship is not paying lip service; it is not simply letting lips sing phrases
and verses that have become routine or part of a usual method of worship. To be in mind and spirit with the Creator, the One and only True God, is to be beyond a physical presence
within a church structure.
True worship, as one author writes, "is a work of the Holy Spirit". To be at that moment in the presence of the Lord, to encounter Jesus is never
a moment that time erodes. We offer you an opportunity to engage your mind in the various adorations expressed by a host of authors who share their joy and explanation of
worshiping God that you may join or rejoin in those moments of laying your praises before the feet of the God.
You may also be inspired by these poems about worship.
Happy moments, praise God
Difficult moments, seek God
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God
Every moment, thank God
Rick Warren
Christian Poems
... the chief reason we were created and that the object of our worship—the triune God—is far greater than we could ever imagine.
Moody Publishers' Team, Worship
Poems About God
I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on.
John Ortberg
Inspirational Poems
Gardening, besides being a practical, life-nurturing task, is also always a spiritual activity.... A caring, faithful, and worshipping humanity is one of the garden’s most important crops.
Norman Wirzba
Garden Poems
We are called to live a life of worship, which goes far beyond the twenty minutes we spend singing on Sunday.
John Bevere
Poems of Encouragement
Worship doesn’t happen when a guy gets on a stage with a guitar. It happens when faith―filled eyes behold the glory of Christ.
Matt Pappa
Poems About Faith
The Book of Psalms is the Bible’s hymnbook. It will show you what it means to walk with God in prayer and praise.
Billy Graham
Prayer for Today
The more you pray, the less you'll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry.
Rick Warren
Each soul finds joy and praise and prayer - thus may our country, good and great. Be God's delight, man's best estate.
Alexander Blackburn, What Makes A Nation Great?
Poems About Justice
Father...You are with us in whatever we do - we praise you, we worship you - we are thankful that is so true.
Catherine Pulsifer, Father We Thank You
Thanksgiving Prayers
Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1, NIV
Poems About God's Timing
Then let each hour, like beauteous flower - some fragrance send to Heaven; to God above, in grateful love
John Imrie, A Lesson From the Clock
Poems About Life

The roads of happiness are trod by simple folks and tender-hearted, by gentle folks that worship God
Edgar A. Guest, The Roads of Happiness
Poems About Happiness
...do not our God forsake; but when Thanksgiving comes around, let's worship Him with joyful sound.
James Henry Thomas, The Origin Of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Poems
Worship is the thank you that can't be silenced
Max Lucado
They brought Him gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Those Wise Men were the first who came to worship from afar.
Florentine Budwig, Frankincense
Christmas Poems
So, on this Christmas Eve, we pause, in awe of God's unending cause, with grateful hearts, we give our praise
a gift bestowed from God above.
Catherine Pulsifer, Christmas Eve, A Night of Grace
Christmas Eve Poems
True spiritual worship will draw a man into close communion with Jesus Christ himself. It will lift him far above churches, and ordinances, and ministers.
J. C. Ryle
Quotes About Jesus
God created the heavens and the earth to reveal His glory. Don't allow creation to eclipse and steal the worship God desires and deserves.
David Jeremiah
Some go to church to take a walk...while some go there to doze and nod.There's many go to worship God.
Job Elletson,Some Go To Church To...
Poems About Church
Let hymns of praise His triumph tell! Alleluia!
Francis Pott, Victory
Easter Poems
We lift our hands in worship and praise for Jesus died, but God did raise.
Catherine Pulsifer, No Other Gift
Christian Christmas Poems
Thy life of self-denial and sacrifice for me, teach me to live for others, and thus to worship thee.
Clara McAlister Brooks, His Way
Scripture teaches us a great deal about the angels, their worship of God, their ministries toward other creatures, their individual characters.
Poems About Angels
The resurrection of our Lord, fills my spirit and soul adored. With a joyful heart, we bring forth praise, for this blessed Easter day.
Catherine Pulsifer, April Brings Easter
So let us praise the Creator as we journey through, October's sacred realm, God's blessings anew.
Catherine Pulsifer, October's Design
October Poems
We'll meet again, all free from care, where sickness is unknown; we'll join again in praise and prayer around the Father's throne!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Around The Father's Throne
In Loving Memory Poems
Worship is about the expression itself as we declare truths about Him and craft an appropriate praise offering to glorify Him for what He does
Timothy J Miller, Born For Worship

Never think the Lord forgot; trusting, you will yet rejoice, praising God with cheerful voice.
Jennie Mast, Gratitude
Gratitude Poems
Awake, each soul, and seek the light, and bless the Lord for thoughts so bright
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Easter Poem
He Is Risen Poems
Worship is God's way of giving us an opportunity to shift our focus from our own concerns, problems, and circumstances to the way things are in heaven.
David Jeremiah
Then let us all rejoice this merry Christmas day...Glory be to God on high.
Eloise A. Skimings, Glory Be To God On High
Famous Christmas Poems
I have learned that in every circumstance that comes my way, I can choose to respond in one of two ways: I can whine or I can worship! And I can't worship without giving thanks.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Father God, there is no One other who we praise and worship.
B. Pulsifer
Prayer For The Church
We shall live again! how true...and in a world most grandly new will worship and adore.
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Eternal Life
Heaven Poems
Let all come to God with thanksgiving to-day, full of deep gratitude, earnestly pray
Caleb Davis Bradlee, A Call To Worship
Thanksgiving Day Poem
On paths illuminated by the Word we've read. Through timeless truths, our souls forever bind, with fervent praise and humble hearts entwined.
Catherine Pulsifer, Wisdom's Sacred Light
Whatever people hope for in the future, that is what they worship, and whatever people worship, that is what they inevitably serve.
Daniel Fuller
Quotes About The Future
The Psalms are David's songs of praise
Unknown, Books Of The Bible
Poems About The Bible
Let the carol that you sing praise God above for what He did for a changed world Jesus did bring
Catherine Pulsifer, No Carol Sweeter Sung
Christmas Carol Poems
Thank God for night; thank God that men must sleep; thank God that men must pause in toil for gain
Douglas Malloch, Night
Good Night Poems
Thou art happy in thy home by the golden river pouring forth thy praises to the Heavenly Giver
Eloise A. Skimings
Memorial Poems
Christ hath brought us life again. Wherefore let us all rejoice, singing loud with cheerful voice, - Hallelujah!
Martin Luther, In The Bonds of Death
Legend of the Dogwood Tree Poem
When you are willing to spend time in His presence, worshipping and praising Him, you will be amazed at what happens. His blessings will fall on you
— totally fall on you.
Norvel Hayes, Worship
Poems About Gods Blessings
- My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.
Psalm 71:8, NIV
Praise God Poems
May our lips, from sin set free,love to speak and sing of thee, till in heaven we learn to raise hymns of everlasting praise.
John George Fleet, Words
Poems About Anger
Round His throne archangels pour songs of praise forever more.
Carmina Sanctorum
Angel Quotes
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow." Praise Him who sendeth joy and woe.
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, Praise God
Bible Verses about Blessings from God
And, with all the Host of Heaven, join in singing - Christ is risen!
Jennie Harrison, Soft The Solemn Dawn-Light Gray
Poems About Jesus Resurrection
And when grave kings in sumptuous guise adored her babe, she knew them wise; for at his touch her sense grew dim - so all her being worshipped him.
Florence Earle Coates, When Christ Was Born
What Happened In Bethlehem
Into old Autumn's lap the ripe fruits fall, while all the trees and shrubs, or great or small. As if to worship with the fruit they bring, a whole year's large and bounteous offering.
John Rowland, Autumn
Autumn Poems
When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.
Mahatma Gandhi
Poems About Sunset
Let ev'ry tongue Thy praise proclaim, let ev'ry knee bow at Thy name, for Jesus Thou art still the same In Majesty.
Eloise A. Skimings, Hymn
Faith In God
Jesus calls us from the worship of the vain world's golden store; from each idol that would keep us; saying, Christian, love me more!
Cecil Frances Alexander, The Call Of Jesus
Poems about Following Jesus
In worship, God imparts himself to us.
Poems About Prayer
There is an awakening to worship ... The awakening of which I speak is a work of the Holy Spirit. It often comes in a moment of time, in an encounter
with Jesus that becomes unforgettable.
Bob Sorge
Spiritual Awakening Poems

Heavenly Father, I give you all praise and glory. I thank you for your unconditional love.
Monday Prayer
Community is an instrument of worship, a weapon against sin, and a tool for evangelism - all for the exaltation of Jesus.
Brad House, Community
Community Quotes
I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.
A.W. Tozer
Quotes on Heaven
And we look back through the ages dim, and come, like the shepherds, to worship Him
A. G. R., The Old Song
Christmas Songs
Rise, heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing His praise without delays,
George Herbert, The Day Of Jesus Christ
Eastertide Poem
I am sure our dear Lord has come, a Savior for us all; a holy gift from God's own home; and at his feet we'll fall!
Caleb Davis Bradlee, Voices In The Sky
God's Christmas Gift
Let mortals join with all their might, let earth and heaven both unite to sing- thy praise by day and night
Clara McAlister Brooks, O Love Divine
Poems About God's Love
I’m convinced we’ve got a lot of it backwards. Worship is not an obligation. It is an invitation. It’s not a church service. It’s an adventure. Not so much
toward God, but with God.
Jeff Deyo, Awakening Pure Worship
Inspirational God Quotes
It's Christmas . . . We rejoice in song and prayer for God's gift from heaven above.
Laverne P. Larson, It's Christmas
Christmas Poems About Love
I think we join the winsome saints when God’s purposes in Christ become clear to us. We join them when we begin to worship God because He is
who He is.
A. W. Tozer, Worship
Journey of Faith
Embedded into every trivial culture are vast gifts from God. Primary among these gifts are prophets who call us back to God when we think we’re
doing just fine following Him in our preferred man-made ways.
Marcus Brecheen
Poems About God's Grace
If we will fill the holy of holies with the incense of our burning prayer and worship, we will prepare the day for the return of the glory of God.
Jack W. Hayford
Prayer For Today
The heavy stone is slowly rolled away, the strain of praise rings out exulant, strong; swift from the grave steps Christ, the risen King,while vale and hill repeat the triumph song.
Unknown, He Lives Again
Good Friday Poem
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV
God's Mercy Poems
Without worship we are simply religious people working dutifully at religious tasks. Worship is the motivation that turns every task into a demonstration
of our love for God.
Zach Neese, How To Worship a King

Christmas is God's greatest gift - when our praise we do uplift
Catherine Pulsifer, A Time
Christmas Time Is
Worship was to be pure and untainted by worldly things.
James Snyder, Editor, A. W. Tozer, The Purpose of Man
We walk on starry fields of white and do not see the daisies; for blessings common in our sight we rarely offer praises.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Thanksgiving Chorus
After learning to love God (worship), learning to love others is the second purpose of your life.
Rick Warren
Life Journey Poems
We tell the gospel by the way we worship. Where a church maintains the truths of the gospel, it inevitably discovers aspects of worship that are in
harmony with other faithful churches.
Bryan Chapell, Christ-Centered Worship
Well Done Good And Faithful Servant
Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise within thy house forever.
Henry W. Baker, The King Of Love
Journey With Jesus Poems
What we do is important work and a sacred duty. It is our God-ordained calling to provide God’s people with opportunities for effective worship.
Constance M. Cherry, The Worship Architect
The Promises of God
I worship thee, sweet will of God! And all thy ways adore. And every day I live I seem to love thee more and more.
Frederick William Faber, I Worship Thee
Serving God Poems
We ask blindly for many things, when all that we need is that He will guide us. "Thy will be done," is the sum of all true worship and right prayer.
J. L. Spaulding, All Is From God
God Cares For You
My own heart has been relentlessly stalked by the lion of worship over the years as I have traversed the pages of Scripture. My mind has been
repeatedly arrested by the awesome majesty of the One we worship
John MacArthur, Worship
Spiritual Poems
Worship is the proper response of all moral, sentient beings to God, ascribing all honor and worth to their Creator-God precisely because he is worthy, delightfully so.
D.A. Carson
Honor Quotes
It is evident that in every new Kairos (special timing of God) He raises up a voice to speak forth, in greater clarity, His predestined purposes and plans
for that hour.
Dr. Fuchsia T. Pickett
God Has A Plan

Adam never ascended to God’s throne; God descended to Adam’s garden.
Dr. Judson Cornwall
Jesus, in His dialogue with the Samaritan woman, tells us that God is looking for worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth.
Dr. Ron Kenoly
Poems About Jesus
Worship has been misunderstood as something that arises from a feeling which ‘comes upon you,’ but it is vital that we understand that it is rooted in a conscious act of the will, to serve and obey the Lord Jesus Christ.
Graham Kendrick
Serving God Quotes
It is the pleasing of God that is at the heart of worship. Therefore, our worship must be informed at every point by the Word of God as we seek God’s own instructions for worship that is pleasing to Him.
R.C. Sproul
Morning Prayer Devotion
Whenever you live without a vital, ongoing relationship with God, you have no hope of finding true happiness or of fulfilling the purpose for which you
were born.
Myles Munroe, The Purpose and Power of Praise and Worship
And let me worship where my love is due, and so through love and worship let me rise.
Henry VanDyke
Poems About Beliefs
I think leading God’s people in worship is one of the most fulfilling, enjoyable, exciting, sobering, life-changing jobs on the planet.
Bob Kauflin, Worship Matters
Worship is not just the tongue shouting praises of exaltation; it is a heart given to God throughout each hour of the day.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Thanksgiving Blessings
Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Psalm 29:2 KJV
Motivational Quotes From The Bible
God gives us all some small, sweet way to set the world rejoicing.
Unknown, Small Sweet Ways
Christian Quotes About Joy
A forest dark, bewildering, this life we wander through; praise God for those who work and sing,
Douglas Malloch, Sympathy
So our song shall be, glory to Him who set us free, from Death's relentless tyranny.
William Croswell Doane, An Easter Carol
Easter Carol
Father in heaven....never let us get too busy to praise you all our days.
Kate Summers, Draw Near To You
Prayers to Draw You Closer
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