83 Youth Quotes
Youth quotes celebrate the joy, beauty, and gladness of youth. However, it isn't the case that there aren't problems at times nor is every youth on the move forward in life to do good things
or accomplish what needs to be done.
Our young people are our future whether we like to admit it or not. As in the case of every youth, there are more times they model the behavior of the adults who they see,
hear and associate with, but this modelling of actions is not always the best of the best. While we may at times generalize that youth of today do not have the fabric, stamina or honor of yesteryear,
the question is more about what we are rather than what youth should be.
Are we, as adults, demonstrating through our actions and characteristics those that are mature, caring and full of love rather than demonstrating a culture of self-serving individuals?
We hope that all of these writings and opinions by various authors serve to highlight some of the issues facing youth and also help to alert all of us as to our responsibility, to assist
all of our youth with encouragement, support, and love. You may also be inspired by these poems for teenagers.
Thanks for investing in the lives of youth! I pray that your work on behalf of pre-teens and teens will bear much fruit.
Mark J Musser, 20 Youth Lessons to Counter Culture
Poems of Encouragement
Youth, beauty, wit may recommend you to men, but only faith in Jesus Christ can recommend you to God.
James H. Aughey
Christian Poems
Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.

The books you read in your youth shape your thoughts and your character.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
Poems About Books
This quote emphasizes the profound impact of the books you read during your youth. The influence of the books you read when you are young can plant behaviours and contribute to your character resulting in the kind of person you become.
Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor.
Inspirational Poems
Aches and pains remind us we do not stay young forever - youth fades every day, something all can never sever.
Catherine Pulsifer, No One Immune To Age
Funny Poems About Life
Turning 25 doesn't mean you've lost your youth; it signifies the transition to a more mature and experienced version of yourself. Embrace the wisdom that comes with age, and let your youthful spirit continue to shine brightly.
25th Birthday Poems
In middle age ...we can't go back to our younger selves, youth is left at the gate.
Catherine Pulsifer, Discovering
Middle Age Poems
Keep young by living life and continuing to be bold.
Catherine Pulsifer, Over The Hill
When we are young our lives lay before us, but don't waste it, set your goals, take action today as the years pass quickly.
Catherine Pulsifer
Encouragement Quotes
- Truth is best in age and youth. Speak the truth!
Unknown, Speak The Truth
Poems About Truth
The young, free to act on their initiative, can lead their elders in the direction of the unknown.
Margaret Mead
Inspirational Quotes by Women
This quote suggests that youth can be a source of innovation and fresh perspectives, capable of inspiring and leading their elders toward the unfamiliar.
By combining a natural look with a modern perspective you can create a personal style that's unexpected, youthful and fresh.
Sherrie Mathieson, Forever Cool
Poems About Life
Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.
Poems About Hope
'Twas like a dream of my childhood hours, this happy growing-time, that spoke the poetry of youth, when life itself was rhyme.
C. D. Barrett, The Seasons
And weave for your souls the fair garments of honor and beauty and truth, which will still with a glory enfold you when faded the spell of your youth.
Emily Bugbee Johnson, The Book Of The New Year
When you are young don't wait for tomorrow to be happy, be happy today. As Randy Alcorn wrote in his book, Happiness: "Anyone who waits for happiness will never be happy."
Quotes About Being Happy
You show me a world-class youth sports organization built on good morals and values, I will show you a great leader who dreamed it and great leaders who are running it every day.
Andrew Simpson, The Youth Truth
Sports Quotes
In ... established democracies, survey evidence from recent elections shows that more young people voting definitely would make a difference because the youth vote often favors different candidates and parties.
Martin P. Wattenberg, Is Voting for Young People?
Motivational Poems
There is no other love like the love of youth
Unknown, A Rainy Day
Turning 21 is like opening a door to a world of possibilities. It's the moment when youth embarks on the journey of adulthood, carrying the torch of dreams and aspirations into a bright future.
21st Birthday Poems
For age is opportunity no less than youth itself, though in another dress.
Unknown, Age Is Opportunity
Poems On Aging
This quote suggests that age, just like youth, offers its own set of opportunities, albeit in a different form. No matter what stage of life we are in, youth, middle age, or old age there are always opportunities, good and bad, and potential to learn new things.
...in your youth you may strive to please the living God, — 'twill give you peace.
Maria J. Dodge, To My Friend
You're young and buoyant, and for you hope beckons with her hands and life spreads out a waveless sea that laps but tropic strands
Will T. Hale, Don't Forget The Old Folks
Poems About Home
We still love you, no matter the age - in our minds, we will always be teenage!
Catherine Pulsifer, Over The Hill?
Funny Birthday Poems For Friends
- A wiser youth has come to me while you were turning gray.
Strickland Gillilan, Keep Young At Heart
Funny Poems About Aging
Clasp me close in your warm young arms, while the pale stars shine above, and we’ll live our whole young lives away in the joys of a living love.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Joys Of A Living Love
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Max Ehrmann
Desiderata Poem
The youth, from all sorrow, temptation and care, seeks the warm mother heart and finds comfort there
Kate Louise Wheeler, Mother
Mom Poems
One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it’s such a nice change from being young.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
This quote humorously highlights the positive aspects of middle age by stating that it's a pleasant departure from the challenges of youth. It implies that the wisdom and experience gained in middle age can make life more enjoyable compared
to the struggles of youth, offering a fresh perspective on aging.
Funny 40th Birthday Poems
Today is the day we sing Happy Birthday,
as today thirty years ago you were born.
Hard to believe your now thirty, your youth is now gone
Julie Hebert, Your Thirty
Birthday Poems
Sometimes it's only the young ones who are crazy enough to change the world.”
Diana Peterfreund
Famous Poems About Life
Youths sparkle and bubble with life. They are fun-loving, excited, ambitious, adventurous, energetic, and curious
Idowu Omisore, Invest Your Youthful Years
Adventure Quotes
To youth, Time moves with steps of lagging tread and hence they deem to all his flight is slow.
Maria Frink, Years Slip By
Poems About Time
Teenagers who do not go to church are adored by God, but they don't get to meet some of the people who love God back.
Anne Lamott
Quotes About Church
The stages of life happen so fast youth was yesterday but now has past
Catherine Pulsifer, Another Year
Funny Birthday Poems
A grandparent celebrates their youth through the eyes of their grandchildren.
Robert R. Rivers
Grandma Poems
But merciful Nature makes amends, when she sends youth, that takes up our raveled ends
John T. Trowbridge, Children In The Household

Make your mark; make it while the arm is strong, in the golden hours of youth
David Barker, Make Your Mark
Graduation Poems
The challenge is to build relational supports that can serve as new tribes for children and youth. The family, school, faith organization, and community all have the potential to help fill this void.
Larry K. Brendtro, Reclaiming Youth at Risk
Community Quotes
When you first teach a youth to read and write you give the key to a lifelong delight.
James B. Wiggin, Teach A Child
Poems about Reading
The love of reading and of having the ability to write can shape our children's intellect and give them the ability to learn and express themselves.
You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair.
Douglas MacArthur
Growing Old Poems
O youth, choose wisdom while you may; let those who will choose pelf.
Lorain McLain, The Wise Choice
Wisdom Poems
I strongly believe that children and youth can lead the way in reimagining the world of tomorrow.
Madhish Parikh
Poems About Earth Day
So we turn, soul-sick with yearning, to the sweet beliefs of youth!
Unknown, Retrospection
Poems About Joy
When I was younger I had such great dreams; I had things all planned, my head full of schemes
Greta Zwaan, Lord I'm So Lonely
When youth comes much passes through their thoughts, -which is not thou, and much allures their hearts, - which thou hast not.
Unknown, How Soon We Lose Them
Poems About Children Growing Up
This quote reflects the idea that during youth, many thoughts and desires occupy one's mind and heart, but not all of them pertain to or align with one's true self. It suggests that youth is a time of exploration and experimentation, where a multitude of ideas and attractions are considered, not all of which define a person's core identity.
Now youthful fair, throughout out land, in that crisis step that must joy or grief imparty beware! nor e'er bestow the hand, till likewise you give the heart.
Lillian E. Curtis, The Hand Without The Heart
What an eternal difference it would make if churches and youth groups around the world caught this vision to put the gospel at the center of their teachings, Bible studies, retreats, small groups, mission trips, and service projects.
Collin Hansen
Make A Difference Quotes
The caprice of youth goes with the wind, I’ve no regrets.
Roman Payne
Poems About Regret
Youth are not approaching the gates of life; they are the cornerstones of the gate.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Given the lack of glory associated with ministry to youth and the personal emotional and physical cost of serving youth, a person who stays in the field ... must see something extraordinarily precious that outweighs every difficulty.
Cameron Cole, Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry
Positive Poems

Youth and love are oft impatient, seeking things beyond their reach
Sarah Doudney, The Hardest Time Of All
Patience Poem
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
Franz Kafka
Poems About Beauty
This quote celebrates the happiness of youth, attributing it to the ability to perceive beauty in the world. It implies that those who retain this capacity to see beauty throughout their lives remain youthful in spirit and never truly grow old, as they continue to find joy in the beauty that surrounds them.
There are no days like the good old days, - the days when we were youthful!
Eugene Field, Old Times, Old Friends, Old Love
A New Day Poem
A dark unfathomed tide of interminable pride - a mystery, and a dream, should my early life seem
Edgar Allan Poe, Imitation
Grandchildren bless their Grandparents with a youthful vitality and innocence that helps them stay young at heart forever.
Unknown, Grandparents Bestow
Grandparents Poems
Winter? But Spring will come after, and youth must grow old with the years.
Charles S. Poling
To scorn or act with prejudice towards an adult is pitiful but to shun a youth, to fail to encourage or equip them with the essentials is to forsake the future.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Failure Quotes
It never pays! a blunt refrain, well worthy of a song, for age and youth
must learn the truth, that nothing pays that's wrong.
Unknown, It Never Pays
Poems About Contentment
This quote conveys a simple yet powerful message: dishonest or morally wrong actions never lead to a positive outcome. It suggests that both young and old individuals should recognize the importance of integrity because pursuing actions that are wrong or unethical ultimately doesn't bring rewards or benefits.
Therefore, what parents and the ruling generation owe their children and generations afar are the rebirth of a vibrant civil society and restoration of a vigorous constitutional republic
Mark R. Levin, Plunder and Deceit
Poems About Children
To increase our national security, our first priority should be “intellectual capital and a sustainable infrastructure of education, health and social services to provide for the continuing development and growth of America’s youth.
Tony Wagner, Creating Innovators
Sustainability Quotes
You don’t have to work with troubled youth for object lessons to be effective. And object lessons aren’t just for children.
Helen Musick, Everyday Object Lessons for Youth Groups
Poem About Life Lessons
Healing of the mind, emotions, and spirit is possible ... It will also ... involve the work of God through the Holy Spirit ... But the God who restored an entire nation ...can also restore to emotional wholeness a young man or woman who turns to Him.
Handbook on Counseling Youth
TODAY — ...
Encourage youth.
Manifest your loyalty in a word or a deed.
Author Unknown, Today
Just For Today Poems
The memory of our youthful hours, as green as those said sprays and boughs. As fresh and sweet as those said flowers.
Henry Howard Brownell, The Lawyer's Invocation To Spring

Sisters share the innocence, imagination, and adventure of youth.
Michelle Malm
Sister Quotes
There are signs of a renewed respect for the importance of "practice wisdom" in building a knowledge base of professional child and youth work.
Larry K. Brendtro; Martin Brokenleg; Steve Van Bockern, Reclaiming Youth at Risk
Respect Poem
The world lies waiting for youth's freshning touch in richest promise lastingly endowed
Dorothy Whiston, Ode
Graduation Wishes For A Friend
Now we are young and gay...now in our upward journey may true love make us brave, we'll fret not for the morrow,
Unknown, Now We Are Young
The good you may do in the young part of life, will help you to conquer your trials and strife.
David J. Cable, Make Your Life
This quote suggests that the good deeds and choices made during one's youth can be a source of strength when we are faced with challenges and difficulties later in life. It reinforces the value of positive actions early in life and their lasting impact on our resilience.
Here Mother Nature never tires and droops her head upon her breast; beneath the scorching summer fires she keeps her youth and looks her best.
Edgar A. Guest, The Green of Michigan
Let friendship and truth encompass our youth, from sorrow and trouble 'twill save
John Imrie, A Bouquet Of Flowers
Allow the words to motivate you to do something good. The Bible says, “Young people, enjoy your youth.
Paula Gray, Girl, Count Your Blessings

Days of youth are not forever, yet the future is not bleak.
Greta Zwaan, Memories of Life
Poems About Memories
My goodly cloathing, and my beauteous skin declare some greater riches are within
Anne Bradstreet
The Four Ages Of Man
Younger people have so many opportunities. I don't see any pessimism among them.
Freeman Dyson
My regrets to the man without vision of youth, who has turned a deaf ear to the promptings of truth
David V. Bush
Bless the laughing, shouting boys...may they think of God in youth, and grow up in grace and truth.
Unknown, When We Were Boys
We may grow older, slower, or laden with wrinkles but the memories of our youth are like the sunshine after the rain clouds have passed.
Annabelle Marie Haines
Memories Quotes
This quote reflects the enduring nature of memories from one's youth. It suggests that as we age and experience the passage of time, the cherished memories of our youth remain bright and comforting, much like the return of sunshine after rain clouds have passed. These memories continue to bring happiness to our lives.
For the past decade—because of my youthful appearance, physical fitness, and high energy—people have been surprised when they find out how old I am.
Narc Narcisse, How Does He Do It?
Fitness Quotes
It is interesting to know that the futures of any family, race, creed or nation are their youths ... The strength of any establishment is in their youth.
Sheun Deleige, Maximizing Youthful Times
Midlife is the old age of youth and the youth of old age.
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