Happy Birthday Baby Girl or Boy
Wishes for a happy birthday to our baby girl or baby boy. It is amazing to watch your baby grow and celebrate each year that passes with them.
As any parent knows they don't stay babies for long, the years pass by quickly
making each birthday an event to be recognized and celebrated with family and friends. Years from now you will look back at pictures
of these parties and realize how quickly children grow.
These poems can be shared with anyone of any age that you feel has grown before
your eyes. Even as children get older they are always our "baby".
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Birthday Poems
Happy Birthday Baby Girl or Boy
Happy Birthday Baby Girl
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Happy Birthday Baby Girl
You are so special, you'll never know
The joy that you bring to us
You in our life is sure a plus.
You are growing up that is true
Today is a special day for you
The candles on your cake you blow
The smile on your face just glows.
A happy day we wish for you
And may the coming year be a good one too
Always we remember we love you
A Happy Birthday we do say!
Find more poems about children growing up. These poems make you realize how fast kids grow!
Happy Birthday Baby Boy
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Just look at all those great new toys
Another year has come and gone
In our books, you're number one.
Blow out the candles eat the cake
A joyful noise we will all make
When we sing Happy Birthday to you
And watch all that you will do!
Birthday Blessings
Turning Two
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2011
On your birthday
as you turn two
It almost made me
feel a bit blue
Only yesterday
you were born
And as you grow
I feel a bit torn
The days fly by
And you're no longer a baby
I think with a sigh
You're still a cutie
Watching you grow
has been a delight
With each passing day
you are a blessing in our sight.
Birthday Poems for Granddaughter
So Fast
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
Baby, baby you have grown so fast
We want to make this day forever last
But we are happy that we can celebrate
Your birthday on this special date!
Birthdays may come and go
But our precious little one we love thee so!
Birthday Quotes
Little One
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Happy Birthday our little one
May your day be full of sun
You're growing up so fast
The memories we make will always last.
Let this day be full of fun
Games, balloons, and maybe a run
Ice cream and cake just for you
We love you our little boo-boo!
Poems for Kids
On Her Birthday
Poet: M. E. B.
'Tis your birthday, and your first, dear girl,
I wish you health and joy;
And may you many birthdays see.
And spend them all most happily.
Twelve months ago to-day, dear girl,
You were a very little thing;
And now you are but just one year,
And that is all, my dear.
I beg you will accept, dear girl.
This very little book;
And hope it may suffice to prove
A trifling tribute of my love.
And now I must conclude, dear girl,
And bid you fond farewell;
And every kindest wish renew:
Dearest one, now adieu.

Famous Birthday Poems
For Baby Dear
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A birthday wish for baby dear
We hope you smile when you hear
Us all singing just for you
Happy Birthday we love you.
It seems like only yesterday
You were born and became part of our family
Now here it is your birthday today
We wish you happiness in every way.
More Birthday Poems
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We hope you will share our poems and verses with the baby girl or baby boy in your life
who is celebrating their birthday. The years pass too quickly, always take the opportunity to celebrate each
passing year with memories of happy times with
the baby girl or boy in your life!
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